Главная Выпуски журнала 2002 №1 (3) 2002 «Маркшейдерия и недропользование»

№1 (3) 2002 «Маркшейдерия и недропользование»

08 Октябрь 2017
Маркшейдерия и недропользование - журнал для специалистов горной промышленности

«Маркшейдерия и Недропользование»
№1 (3), январь-март 2002 г.

В номере:

  • Оценка минерально-сырьевых ресурсов недр
  • Законодательство в недропользовании
  • Технологии недропользования
  • Безопасность недропользования
  • Горная квалиметрия
  • Экология недропользования
  • Контроль качества полезных ископаемых
  • На заметку производственнику
  • Наши юбиляры
  • Конференции
  • Информация


Содержание №1 (3) январь-март 2002 г.
журнала «Маркшейдерия и Недропользование»


Оценка минерально-сырьевых ресурсов недр

Р.С. Малютин, М.Б. Естаев
О классификации запасов и прогнозных ресурсов твердых полезных ископаемых и о надежности их геолого-промышленной оценки с. 04
R.S. Maliutin , M.В. Estaev
The classification of resources and expected reserves of solid minerals and the reliability of their geological and commercial assessment
The features and corelations are discussed of solid mineral resources and expected reserves classifications accepted in economically developed western countries and Russia with respect to their geological study and commercial value. It is remarked that a single world classification is much needed in modern conditions of world economy globalization. It is shown that the classification of G. Vettweise (FRG) is best matched to the problem. The role of prospected resources reliability as a decisive factor in estimating deposits is substantiated. Introduction of risk coefficients is proposed to increase the reliability of geological and commercial assessment of prospected resources. The values of those coefficients should depend on the complexity of geological structure and the extent of exploration; they should decrease from earlier to later stages of deposits development

Ю.Т. Усиков
Принципы геологоразведочного процесса с. 10
Yu.T. Usikov
Geological exploration process principles
In spite of the great variety of useful mineral deposits, their prospecting in based on uniform principles: completeness of data, data reliability, making costs minimal and obtaining optimal results of prospecting.


Законодательство в недропользовании

Гусев Р.К., Естаев М.Б., Дудиков М.В.
Проблемы ответственности в системе правового регулирования использования и охраны недр с. 14
R.K. Gusev, M.B. Estaev, M.V. Dudikov
Liability problems in the law system of subsurface use and protection
The regulations and problems are discusses of management responsibility, criminal liability and environmental responsibility in the legal regulations system of subsurface use and protection. The current state and the problems of civil-law disciplinary responsibility and property accountability in the system of legal relations were considered in the previous issue of the journal.


Технологии недропользования

В.И. Емельянов, Г.А. Катков
Экологически чистая технология гидромеханизированной разработки прибрежных россыпных месторождений с. 21
V.I. Emelianov, G.A. Katkov
Ecologically clean technique of near-shore placer deposits development with the use of hydraulic mechanics.
The proposed technique of coastal placer deposit development with the use of hydraulic mechanization eliminates the drain of process water polluted with clayey dust matter at the expense of artificial sand make up of the coastal zone. This provides ecologically clean state of the coastal zone. The technique includes water jet and hydrotransport of overburden rocks to a special structure that is a hydraulic mine dump serving as a classifier. This dump is intended for drawing mud from the overburden rocks slurry and it provides natural separation of the slurry matter into sand and clayey dust to prevent the drain of the latter into the coastal zone. The efficiency of the technique is supported by test results in the quarry of Primorskoie amber deposit.

В.С. Зубович
Вскрытие и подготовка калийного горизонта ПО «Беларуськалий» с. 23
V.S. Zubovich
Stripping and preparing potassium horizon by the Production Association «Belarus'kaliy»
The method of stripping and preparing mine field is shown with the parameters of extraction fields and mechanized driving and removing complexes, allowing us to carry out extraction of minerals together with making mine workings towards the boundaries of mining field. This will favorably influence the time of mine payback.


Безопасность недропользования

В.М. Гудков, Л.А. Смирнов
Прогноз разрывных нарушений угольных пластов с. 25
V.M. Gudkov, L.A. Smirnov
The prognosis of coal beds dislocations with a break in continuity
The method of coal beds rupture tectonics was elaborated on the basis of the regularity established from data on mine fields prospecting and development. The application of the solution of the «Buffon needle problem» allows us to estimate the probable number of occurrence of undiscovered ruptures within a block or a plate.

В.Н. Попов, Б.В. Несмеянов, Ю.А. Чертков, С. Ганжаргал, Н. Бямбадорж, И.Л. Бушев, Н. Буянтогтох
Приведение южного борта карьера СП «Эрдэнэт» в безопасное состояние с. 29
V.N. Popov, В.V. Nesmeianov, Yu.A. Chertkov, S. Ganzhargal, N. Biambadorzh, I.L. Bushev, N. Buiantogtokh
Bringing the southern side of quarry SP «Erdenet» to safety conditions

А.А. Терешин
Расчет параметров крепления очистных выработок с учетом неравномерности распределения нагрузок на крепь с. 32
A.A. Tereshin
The calculation of fastening parameters of purification workings with account for load non-uniform distribution in the set.

Д.В. Канунов
Совершенствование методов расчета и построения предохранительных целиков под вертикальные шахтные стволы. с. 35
D.V. Kanunov
Improving methods of calculation and construction of protective pillars under vertical shafts


Горная квалиметрия

А.А. Дерягин, Г.В. Демкина, Н.М. Иванова, А.В. Тимохин, Г.В. Душеин
К вопросу создания единой компьютерной технологии геолого-экономической оценки месторождений твердых полезных ископаемых с. 38
A.A. Deriagin, G.V. Demkina, N.M. Ivanova, A.V. Timokhin, G.V. Dushein
The development of single computer-based technology of geological and commercial assessment of solid useful minerals

С.В. Шаклеин, Т.Б. Рогова
Оценка погрешности гипсометрического плана угольного пласта с. 43
S.V. Shaklein, T.B. Rogova
The assessment of the error of coal bed hypsometric plan
The technique of expected error assessment of the bed hypsometry model made from geological surveying data is presented. The technique is based on the quantitative definition of the ambiguity of the model under consideration and its transformation into error. As a result of the assessment, a cartogram is produced of hypsometric plan reliability.


Экология недропользования

И.И.Крашин, Г.А. Скворцова, И.Н. Полшкова
Оценка и прогноз экологического состояния подземных вод Новомосковского промрайона численными методами с. 49
I.I. Krashin, G.A. Skvortsova, I.N. Polshkova
The assessment and prediction of the ecological condition of Novomoskovsk industrial area with the use of numerical methods
Combined studies of conjugated many-layered models of ground water filtration and migration of the central area of Novomoskovsk industrial region of an area of 1598 km² allows us to reconstruct the changes of the ecological condition of the ground water under the effect of technogenic loads, to carry our research and to predict such changes. Areas with favorable and unfavorable conditions of water supply were established, prognostic maps of the changes of the general mineralization levels were obtained for major water-bearing horizons, favorable areas for new water intakes were located.


Контроль качества полезных ископаемых

B.Л. Волков, М.А. Восканян, Е.Е. Гончаров, Г.В. Мурадян, Л.П. Старчик, О.Я. Шатров, Л.П. Ястребова, В.В. Марчевская, С.С. Терещенко
Нейтронно-активационный контроль апатитовых и фторсодержащих руд с. 53
V.L. Volkov, M.A. Voskanyan, E.E. Goncharov, G.V. Muradyan, L.P. Starchik, O.Ya. Shatrov, L.P. Yastrebova, V.V. Marchevskaya, S.S. Tereshchenko
Neutron activation test of apatite and fluorine-containing ores
The possibility is considered of fluorine-content test of apatite and fluorine-containing ores with the application of neutron activation method. It is shown that the use of neutron generator (En = 14 MeV) and Pu-Be radioisotope source allow us to determine fluorine content both in ore samples and in the flow, in conveyor.


На заметку производственнику

В.М. Ивченко,
Расчет координат скважин при кустовом бурении с. 56
V.M. Ivchenko
The calculation of boreholes coordinates with cluster drilling


Наши юбиляры

Бекжанову Гинаяту Рахметулличу - 75 лет с. 58

Геральду Георгиевичу Ломоносову - 70 лет с. 59

60 лет Александру Ивановичу Цыкину с. 60



Минеральные ресурсы и человек с. 61

Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых с. 63

Физические проблемы разрушения горных пород с. 64



с. 65

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