Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых
Перспективы освоения минерально-сырьевых ресурсов Юго-Восточного Забайкалья
с. 3
The prospects for exploring the mineral and raw material resources of the South-Eastern Transbaikalia
The author characterizes the mineral and raw materials potential of the South-Eastern Transbaikalia and gives a few proposals regarding commercial development of the most promising deposits.
mineral and raw material resources, mineral deposits, ore districts, engineering and economical performance indicators, reserves, efficiency
Обоснование технологии переработки эфельных отвалов гидромеханизированной разработки глубокозалегающих россыпей
с. 5
Justification of the technology of reprocessing the dredge tailings leaft after hydraulic king of deep seated placer deposits
The authors propose a technique for reprocessing the dredge tailings of auriferous gravels using a dredger.
alluvial deposits, dredge tailings, suction dredger, auriferous sands, dressing
Обоснование целесообразности отработки прибортовых запасов карьеров
с. 7
Justification of practicability of mining the open cast pit edge reserves
The authors consider the field development stages, including those used when switching to the combined method (simultaneous open-cast and underground workings), when mining the reserves confined to the pit edges.
production technology, opencast mine, open cast pit edge reserves, deposit exploration stages, enterprise output
Классификация причин техногенных катастроф
с. 9
Classification of the causes of man-made disasters
The author classifies the causes of man-made disasters during the exploration of mineral resources. He gives recommendations on prevention or mitigation of the consequences of the catastrophic geomechanical phenomena.
geomechanical processes, rock pressure, sloughing, deformation, anthropogenic accidents, classification
Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы
Некоторые аспекты формирования минерально-сырьевых агломераций как основы развития горнопромышленного комплекса Дальневосточного региона
с. 11
Some aspects of forming the mineral and raw material agglomerations as a framework for the development of the mining complex in the far Eastern region
The author considers the object and the basic principles of forming the mineral and raw material agglomerations, including the complex of the basic types of mineral resources of an administrative or prospective area. He justifies the economic feasibility of using such raw material base to create the associations of multi-industry mining and accompanying works as the basis for the strategic development of large mining complexes.
minerals and raw materials agglomeration, mineral deposits, evaluation of mineral and raw-material resources, economic efficiency, conditions
Минеральные ресурсы огнеупорного алюмосиликатного сырья на территории Дальнего Востока РФ
с. 15
The reserves of fireproof silica-alumina raw materials in the territory of the Russian Far East
The Far-Eastern region of the Russian Federation has a wide range of high-alumina mineral types. Those of them with the best prospects include andalusite, sillimanite, alunite, and diaspore. The authors briefly describe the scale of development, the resources, the level of exploration and the prospects of their usage as high-alumina fireproof raw materials.
fireproof raw materials, raw materials classification, demand, production, processing technology, stock, prospects
Достоверность запасов полезных ископаемых
Мониторинг достоверности запасов угледобывающего предприятия – квалиметрическая основа опережающего геологического изучения недр
с. 19
The monitoring of the accuracy of a coal producer reserves as a qualimetric framework of the anticipatory geological survey of the subsoil resources
The author shows that the monitoring of the reserves accuracy can be considered as the framework of the anticipatory geological survey of the subsoil resources. She unveils the essence of such monitoring and describes the basic ways to use its results.
monitoring, reserves accuracy, coal deposits, anticipatory geological survey of subsoil resources, quality metering of subsoil resources
Проблемы ресурсосбережения в недропользовании
Основные направления и пути решения проблем ресурсосбережения при комплексном освоении недр
с. 22
The basic directions and ways of the decision of problems savings of resources at complex development of bowels
Ways of the decision of problems savings of resources are offered at complex development of bowels, including creation small waste technologies, involving in development of technogenic mineral resources, creation of the combined technologies of recycling of all georesources in the closed work cycle.
savings of resources, mineralno-source of raw materials, integrated approach of use of raw materials, geotechnology
Методические вопросы недропользования
Неправомерная ревизия методов нормирования эксплуатационных потерь твердых полезных ископаемых
с. 30
A wrongful revision of the methods for standardization of production losses of solid mineral reserves
The authors criticize a number of statements contained in the article by A.M. Kochergin and D.B. Burdin published in «Nedropolzovaniye – XXI vek» magazine (issue 5, 2009, pages 15-21), namely an attempt to revise the existing production losses standardization methods used during the exploration of solid mineral reserves.
conditions, losses, impoverishment, reserves, usable reserves, production tax, annual output of an enterprise
Актуальные аспекты терминологии и классификации техногенных россыпей и их связь с практической деятельностью золотодобывающих предприятий
с. 34
The relevant aspects of terminology and classification of technogenic alluvial deposits and their interconnection with the practice of gold mining enterprises
In this article the author brings to light the urgent necessity of legally adopting the term «technogenic deposit and implementing the unified classification of alluvial gold deposits including technogenic objects in the old alluvial gold bearing regions of Russia. In general, these measures are expected to improve the effectiveness of the decisions aimed at supporting the operations of the alluvial gold mining.
imperfection of the legislation on mining, anthropogenic deposit, classification of anthropogenic alluvial deposits, reserves estimation, gold production
Правовые проблемы недропользования
К вопросу о законодательной поддержке внедрения наукоемких технологий в минерально-сырьевом комплексе страны
с. 37
On legislational support of the introduction of high technologies in the country's mineral and raw material complex
The author states that the country's existing mining legislation is imperfect and in its current form is incapable of ensuring full-scale exploration and broad introduction of high technologies, including nanotechnologies, in mining operations. He provides a number of examples showing the imperfection of the laws in the area of subsoil resource usage, gives recommendations on improving the current laws and justifies the necessity to adopt some new ones. He strongly recommends to draft and adopt the Mining Code of the Russian Federation, which is expected to contribute to ensuring the state's strategic security, industrial and environmental safety of the mining operations, protection of the natural environment, as well as increasing the efficiency of the mineral wealth usage.
law on subsoil resources, Mining Code, right to use subsoil resources, licenses, tenders, auctions, taxation, technical progress
Роль государства в регулировании правовых отношений недропользования
с. 42
The role of the state in regulation of the legal relations in subsoil resources usage
According to the authors, the provision and termination of the right to use the subsoil resources must be considered as the declaration of intent of the government represented by its authorized bodies, which perform in respect of the other entities supervising, managerial or other functions based on subordination to the authorities. The correlation of the public and private interests in the course of regulating the relations dealing with provision and termination of the right to use the subsoil resources requires thorough selection of the appropriate legal methods and the combination of permissions and prohibitions which are capable to reflect the consensual component of those interests.
the Law of the Russian Federation «On Subsoil Resources», state pool of mineral resources, reproduction of the minerals and raw-materials base, the right to use subsoil resources, sustainable use and conservation of the subsoil resources
Техника и технология недропользования
Основные методы снижения песко- и водопритока при разработке обводненных месторождений нефти
с. 49
Basic methods for decreasing inflow of sand and water during the exploration of watered-oil fields
The authors dwell on the methods for decreasing the inflow of produced oil-contaminated and mineralized water and sand during the exploration of watered oil fields.
oil production, ecology, methods for prevention of oil producers, contamination with water and sand
Новый дистанционный метод космической геофизики в прогнозировании нефтегазоносных структур
с. 53
About the new distant method of cosmic geophysics by predicting of oil- and gas-bearing structures
The innovation geophysical method is suggested for revealing and predicting of oil-and-gas-bearing structures. The method is distant and environmentally appropriate. It allows investigating the area of 300-400 km in diameter from a single point, covering more than 70 000 square kilometers.
physics of ionosphere and magnetosphere, electromagnetic emission, ionospheric and telluric profiling, forecast map of oil-and-gas bearing structures
Обеспечение устойчивости прибортовых массивов и отвалов
с. 55
Ensuring the stability of the flank-side masses and dumps
In this article the authors describe the compositions of the mortars used for strengthening of the flank-side masses and consolidation of dust-producing surfaces of mine dumps and mill tailings in order to prevent the sloughing and suppress the formation of dust.
flank-side masses, mine dumps, tailing dumps, debris, dust formation, reinforcing mortars
Информационные технологии
Обоснование принципов моделирования пространственной концентрации золота в россыпных месторождениях
с. 57
The justification of the principles of modeling the special concentration of gold in alluvial deposits
In his article the author attempts to find out the influence of unevenness of spatial arrangement of individual gold grains upon the overall uncertainty of the metal tests.
alluvial deposits, gold grains arrangement, modelling, inaccuracy of average content estimation
Построение графико-аналитического поля размещения содержаний золота и его оценочная характеристика
с. 61
Construction of the graphical and analytic field of gold content distribution and its estimation characteristics
The author proposes a polynomial for analyzing the distribution of gold along certain ore body directions. He proposes searching for additional areas of sampling points crowding in the ore horizon under exploration, which allows to obtain the metal distribution field.
graphical and analytical method, binomial, axonometric projection, gold content distribution confidence
Маркшейдерское обеспечение предприятий
Применение приборов нового поколения на горных предприятиях
с. 64
The use of new generation of instruments at mining enterprises
The authors analyze the results of the instrumental land surveying observations of the rock and terrain deformations at the mining enterprises in Kazakhstan. They provide the examples of using the state-of-the-art electronic taximeters, laser levelling instruments and GPS technologies.
surveying instruments, coordinates, base stations, measurement accuracy, geodesic monitoring of observations
Наши юбиляры
70 лет Алексею Владимировичу Гальянову с. 66
Книжная полка недропользователя с. 67
XIV Международный конгресс по маркшейдерскому делу с. 72