Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых
Методика оценки устойчивости междукамерных целиков при камерных системах разработки
с. 3
Procedure of assessing the rib pillars stability when using pillar-and-breast systems
The author proposes a procedure of assessing the rib pillars when mining the reserves of potassium-salt deposits using pillar-and-breast systems. The proposed technique allows estimating the pillars' stability with account of the mining operations phase. It allows planning and filling the mined-out space.
rib pillars stability, technique for finding the pillar loading force, minable blocks and panels, pillar bearingcapacity
Определение оптимальной величины готовых к выемке запасов при открытой разработке сложноструктурных месторождений
с. 5
Determining the optimal amount of reserves ready for extraction during open-pit mining of complex-structured deposits
When setting the norms of extractable reserves, the mutual influence of the following basic factors must be taken into account: excavator haul cost, the losses caused by maintaining throughout the year on all the horizons the reserves required for complete removal of the mineral product above the reserve band, the losses due to the increase of the current strip ratio, the loses caused by decline in the mineral product output due to the necessity to maintain the required amount of exposed reserves.
complex-structured deposits, mining method, open pit, mining practice, optimal amount of reserves ready for extraction
Современные проблемы разработки рудных месторождений в сложных горно-геологических условиях
с. 7
Present-day problems of ore mining in complicated mining and geological conditions
Based on the identified seismic stress dynamics and the enclosing rock straining patterns, the authors have designed structures for reinforcing chamber roof bolting and in-seam working junctions using deep cemented roof bolts.
deep mines, mining and geological conditions, mechanical rock characteristics, shock bumps, roof bolting
Горные науки: проблемы и перспективы
Проблемы и перспективы развития горных наук
с. 9
Problems and development prospects jf the mining science
The author describes the present-day state of the Russian mineral and raw-materials base and predicts it further deterioration. He stresses that under the present conditions the efficient use of resources in integrated subsoil resources development is of utmost importance. The author also emphasizes the necessity of exploring the production induced deposits, namely waste banks and tailings dumps at concentrating mills. He sets forth the priority techniques of georesources development and utilization – the framework of a number of critical federal level geotechnologies.
mineral raw materials, efficient use of resources, integrated development of mineral wealth, low-waste method, resource restoration techniques, geotechnologies, mining sciences
Проблемы минерально-сырьевого комплекса
Некоторые проблемы экономической безопасности и исследования недр
с. 13
Some problems of economic security and research of subsoil resources
The author describes the present-day state of the mineral and raw materials base and finds it extremely unsatisfactory. He proposes a number of measures aimed at achieving a fundamental turning point in the state policy in respect of geological research of subsoil resources, reproduction of the minerals and raw materials base, the structure of the country's geological service and its public sector, control over geological research and exploration carried out by entities of different types of ownership.
economical security, mineral and raw material resources, reproduction of mineral reserves, subsoil resources usage, hydrocarbon materials, oil production, export
Рациональное использование минерального сырья
Классификация источников изменений качества твердых полезных ископаемых при их добыче
с. 19
Classification of the sources of solid minerals quality variation during their exploration
The classification of solid minerals' quality variation sources during exploration of mineral deposits allows unifying the loss records in all the subsectors of the mining industry, comparing and assessing by the losses level the work of individual crews, mines, open pits, integrated plants, companies, firms, mining enterprises or holdings. Coupled with the classification of the sources of the mineral materials' quality change it will provide a clearer understanding of the present-day state, dynamics and operational trends of the country's mineral and industrial complex.
solid materials' losses, classification of losses, mineral product quality, useful and harmful components content, chemical and mineralogical composition, production technology cycle
О рациональном использовании запасов сильвинитовых пластов на Верхнекамском месторождении калийных солей
с. 24
On rational use of sylvinite beds at Upper-Kama potassium salts deposit
The authors have developed basic engineering solutions for extraction of a complex-structured sylvinite bed and an off-spec thickness bed at Upper-Kama potassium salts deposit. They propose engineering solutions for the second working during extraction of the off-spec thickness bed. The use of the proposed technique will allow increasing the sylvinite extraction from subsoil 1.4 times while ensuring the useful component content in the ore at a level of 30%.
Upper-Kama deposit of potassium salts, red and banded sylvite beds, ore reserves, shearer with drum-type actuating device, geomechanical estimate of the second working parameters, mathematical modelling
Экономические проблемы недропользования
Налог на добычу полезных ископаемых и бюджет муниципального образования (Бодайбинский район Иркутской области)
с. 33
Tax on mining operations and municipal budget (Irkutsk area, Bodaibo district)
The author analyzes the situation around the financial provision of the municipal budget of Bodaibo district in Irkutsk area and the tax on gold ore mining operations carried out in the territory of this municipal unit.
tax on mining operations, municipality, gold mining, Law «On Subsoil Resources», Tax Code
Техника и технология недропользования
Применение дозировочного насосного оборудования в процессах кучного выщелачивания золота из отвалов золотосодержащих руд
с. 37
The use of metering pump equipment in the processes of gold heap leaching from auriferous ore dumps
The depletion of gold field reserves brings us to the necessity to search for the ways of developing gold-bearing dumps and rebellious ores. Both domestic and foreign experience proves that the use of advanced technologies and equipment in the course of development of such ores allows.
ore dumps, gold leaching, cyanide leaching, metering pumps.increasing the production level at relatively low costs
Угольная промышленность КНР
Развитие угольной промышленности Китая и перспективы российско-китайского сотрудничества
с. 40
Development of coal industry in China and the prospects of cooperation between Russia and China
The author characterizes the present-day state of the coal industry in China and its growth prospects. He cites the data concerning the Sino-Russian cooperation in coal trading and the creation of the joint coal-mining enterprises in Siberia and the Russian Far East planned in the years immediately ahead. The author gives detailed description of the negative effect produced by China's coal producers on the natural environment. He emphasizes that the most important problem of coal mining in China is safety of the coal mines' operation.
China, black coal, extent of production, exports, development prospects, problems of environment pollution and occupational safety
Геомеханическое обоснование параметров камерной системы разработки для отработки переходной зоны месторождения Син-Куен (Вьетнам)
с. 44
Geomechanical justification of the heading-and-stall method parameters for the stopping operations in transition zone of Xin-Kuen minefield (Vietnam)
For the purpose of stoping, under the mine a heading-and-stall system is designed and the mined-out space is supported by pillars. The author proposes a method of calculation of the permissible dimensions of rock exposure in the stalls, floor pillars and rib pillars.
deposit, ore bodies, ore production, open-cast mine, underground mining, mining methods, pillars, rock stability
Маркшейдерский мониторинг ликвидации стволов угольных шахт
с. 52
Surveying monitoring of coal pit shaft abandonment
The author proposes the surveying techniques for controlling the state of the abandoned coal mine shafts. The permanent monitoring zones are established for the abandoned vertical, steep and steeply inclined shafts, i.e. for the working angles where rock bypass is possible.
surveying monitoring, pit shaft abandonment, deformations, permanent monitoring zones
Информационные технологии
Планирование транспортных работ на карьере на основе автоматизации расчетов параметров систем массового обслуживания
с. 54
Planning the hauling operations at the mine based on the automation of the queuing system parameters calculation
The authors consider the use of queuing systems for the research of the mine haulage units based on the calculated values of the respective process parameters.
mine, overburden, hauling operations, queuing systems, modeling, inquiry system, optimization
Геоэкологические проблемы Нефтеюганского района Югры в аспекте социологических исследований
с. 58
Geoecological problems of Yugra's Nefteyugansk region in terms of social researches
The author describes the environmental situation in Nefteyugansk region of Khanty-Mansi Area. He points out the negative influence that the fuel and energy industry enterprises have upon the region's environment. He also brings forward the results of ethno-sociology research carried out in the territory of the region in the form of population surveys.
Khanty-Mansi Area, natural environment, fuel and energy industry enterprises, environment pollution, population surveys
Типизация архитектурно-планировочных вариантов размещения зданий и сооружений на промышленной площадке подземного рудника и оценка степени их экологичности
с. 62
Type design of architectural and planning variants of locating the buildings and structures within the industrial estate of an underground mine and estimating their environmental friendliness
The author analyzes the possible adverse impact of the underground mining of ore deposits upon the environment depending on the architectural and planning variants of locating the buildings and structures at the industrial estate of a mining enterprise. He provides a qualitative (expert) assessment of the environmental risk for various combinations of structures, the amount of the extracted rock mass, original stock toxicity and the environmental friendliness of the transport used.
underground mining method, industrial site, technological complex, environmental hazard level, amount of pollutants, environmental risk, development pressure
Страницы истории
У истоков маркшейдерии в России
с. 68
Книжная полка недропользователя
Рецензия на учебник «Месторождения полезных ископаемых» (4-ое издание) под редакцией профессора В.А. Ермолова
с. 70
Международное совещание «Новые технологии обогащения и комплексной переработки труднообогатимого природного и техногенного минерального сырья» (Плаксинские чтения – 2011) с. 72