Главная Выпуски журнала 2011 №3 (53) 2011 «Маркшейдерия и недропользование»

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Уважаемые коллеги! От себя лично и от всего коллектива научно-технического и производственного журнала «Маркшейдерия и недропользование» сердечно поздравляю Всех шахтеров с профессиональным праздником! Вы работаете в одной из самых сложных и стратегически важных отраслей экономики, вно... Далее

Новый подход к выбору механических характеристик приоткосного массива при оценке устойчивости уступов и бортов карьеров

Новый подход к выбору механических характеристик приоткосного массива при оценке устойчивости уступов и бортов карьеров

Опыт эксплуатации карьеров, разрабатывающих сложноструктурные урановые и золоторудные месторождения в скальных и полускальных породах, показал, что для них характерны некоторые особенности, которые необходимо учитывать при решении вопросов, связанных с формированием устойчивых уступов и бортов. К этим особенно... Далее

Создание геодинамического полигона «Сарыоба»

Создание геодинамического полигона «Сарыоба»

Академик А.Ж. Машанов является основоположником казахстанской научной школы геомехаников. Под руководством А.Ж. Машанова в свое время были выполнены широкомасштабные исследования в области механики массива горных пород. И сегодня его ученики – профессора кафедры «Маркшейдерское дело и геодезия», ведут за с... Далее

№3 (53) 2011 «Маркшейдерия и недропользование»

01 Июнь 2011
Маркшейдерия и недропользование - журнал для специалистов горной промышленности

«Маркшейдерия и Недропользование»
№3 (53), май-июнь 2011 г.

В номере:

  • Минерально-сырьевой комплекс: состояние и перспективы
  • Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых
  • Рациональное использование минерального сырья
  • Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы
  • Правовые вопросы недропользования
  • Геотектоника
  • Горнотехническая безопасность
  • Экология
  • Наши юбиляры
  • Информация


Содержание №3 (53) май-июнь 2011 г.
журнала «Маркшейдерия и Недропользование»


Минерально-сырьевой комплекс: состояние и перспективы

Е.А. Козловский
Минерально-сырьевой комплекс страны – опора государства? с. 3
E. Kozlovsky
The mineral sector as the state's backbone?
The author describes the current situation in the country's mineral sector and notes that it faces a number of problems of organizational, technological and legislative nature. He underlines that the orientation towards raw materials' export thwarts the development of the Russian economy and subordinates it to the situation in the international market. The author suggests specific measures aimed at improving the condition of the mineral resources base as the basis of the nation's mineral resource security. mineral resources base, raw-material economy, export of fuel and energy resources, geology service, world consumption, globalization, competitive strength, national security


Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых

Р.В. Богомяков, К.В. Прохоров
Исследование и обоснование процессов извлечения благородных металлов флотационными методами из песков россыпей с. 11
R. Bogomyakov, K. Prokhorov
Researching and validating the processes of precious metals extraction from placer sands using flotation methods
The authors demonstrate that chemical agglomeration in a centrifugal field is an efficient method for extracting finegrained gold from placer deposits. They have found that the use of a sorption media (oak saw dust) with the flotation method of enrichment facilitates increasing the precious metals yield. The use of physico-chemical and flotation methods during the extraction of fine-grained gold allows cost-effectively engaging the by-product sands of placer deposits in the processing. by-product placers, fine-grained gold, gravitation and flotation separation, sorption media

А.А. Гоготин
Оценка экономических показателей при различных вариантах развития горных работ при освоении маломасштабных медноколчеданных месторождений с. 13
A. Gogotin
Economic performance analysis under different scenarios of mining operations during the development of minor copper-sulphide deposits
The author considers four scenarios of minor deposits development: sequential, sequential-parallel, parallel-sequential and parallel. The analysis of dependence shows that the sequential development scenario ensures the highest yield index with the smallest discounted costs. development of groups of deposits, development scenarios, payback period, minimum expenditure, yield index

М.В. Панферов
Крутонаклонный подъемник для доставки крупнокусковой горной массы с глубоких карьеров с. 15
M. Panferov
High-angle hoist for conveyance of rough mined rock from deep mines
In order to deliver mined rock (including large-sized) from the bottom of deep mines to the surface, the author suggests using a carrying apron construction which allows to prevent displacement and cascading of rock during its transportation. The proposed construction was designed at Kunaev Institute of Mining. mass, mine, rock disposal, high-angle conveyors, carrying apron, load fixing


Рациональное использование минерального сырья

Е.И. Панфилов
Типовые методические указания по определению, нормированию, учету и экономической оценке потерь твердых полезных ископаемых при их добыче (применительно к новым условиям хозяйствования) с. 17
E. Panfilov
Model practical guidelines for assessment, rationing, accounting and economic evaluation of mining losses of solid minerals with respect to the new economic environment
The model practical guidelines for assessment, norming, accounting and economic evaluation of losses of solid minerals during the production adopted by State Committee for Mining and Industrial Supervision of the Soviet Union in March 1972 are still in place. These guidelines should be subject to amendments and addenda proposed by the author and determined by the new economic system, especially in respect to the feasibility study of the rational level of mining losses with regard to the enrichment process. Setting forth the proposals concerning the amendments, the author basically boils them down to the system of natural and economic indicators which determine the essence of the problem as applied to the processes of solid minerals extraction and the mineral raw materials processing. solid minerals, design losses, planned losses, operational losses, operating standards of quantitative losses, extraction ratio, mining and geological conditions, mineral dressing, financial and economic indicators

С.А. Вохмин, Г.С. Курчин, Е.Г. Малиновский, Ю.П. Требуш
Снижение потерь ангидрита за счет оптимизации размеров междукамерных целиков с. 30
S. Vokhmin, G. Kurchin, E. Malinovsky, Yu. Trebush
Reduction of anhydrite losses due to optimization of the rib pillar sizes
The authors dwell on the issues of reducing the mineral product losses in rib pillars when mining non-metallic deposits using the board-and-pillar mining method. The works have been carried out at Gorozubovskoye anhydrite deposit. Based on the findings the authors propose a method for determining the rib pillar width. stopped excavation, mining losses, board-and-pillar mining, drilling-and-blasting technique, rib pillars, safety factor, modelling


Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы

А.И. Едильбаев
Разработка концепции освоения бедных и некондиционных руд Республики Казахстан в конкурентной среде с. 35
A. Edilbaev
Development of conception of brining of poor and non-saleable ores of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a commercial level
The author substantiates the concept of development of the mineral resources base of the Republic of Kazakhstan by means of developing the medium and small mineral deposits and by-product mineral resources. Using the case study of iron-ore deposits he demonstrates the possibility of ensuring the steady operation of ore mining and dressing plants built at medium-size deposits by means of supplying the ore from adjacent small deposits. The author also analyses the experience of operating modular dressing plants and production of ore concentrate merchantable in the world market. mineral raw materials, production induces resources, modular dressing plants


Правовые вопросы недропользования

М.В. Дудиков, Е.С. Мелехин
О регулировании страховой деятельности в Российской Федерации в процессе недропользования с. 38
M. Dudikov, E. Melekhin
On statutory regulation of insurance activities in the Russian Federation as applied to the subsoil resources management
The authors demonstrate some specifics of the insurance activities in the Russian Federation in the course of the subsoil resources management. They provide the list of insurable events and specify which types of insurance must be obligatory and which ones should be voluntary. The authors prove that the insurance premium rate depends on many different natural, climatic, geographical, morphological, mining-and-geological, technical and technological factors and insurance terms. They also set forth the proposals concerning improvement of legislation governing the relationships in the sphere of insurance in subsoil resources management. legislation, subsoil resources management, federal law, insurance, risks, state regulation, legal relationship



А.Н. Соловицкий
О мониторинге деформаций земной коры при подземной геотехнологии освоения недр с. 53
A. Solovitsky
About the monitoring of deformation of the earth's crust at the interior geotechnology development
There has been offered the method of the monitoring of the deformation of blocks of the Earth's crust blocks at the deposit development. geomechanical processes, earth crust blocks, geodynamic activity, high-precision supervision, monitoring of deformations.

И.Ю. Иванов, О.В. Иванова, Ю.М. Круковский
Предварительные результаты наблюдений на разломах грабена на геодинамическом полигоне с. 56
I. Ivanov, O. Ivanova, Yu. Krukovsky
Preliminary results of trenched faults observation in the geodynamical testing ground
The authors set forth the results of high-precision levelling surveys carried out in a geodynamical testing ground used for injecting liquid toxic wastes into the underground horizons. They point out the leaps of the ground elevation reference points of the profile lines crossing the geological fault. They also provide the preliminary conclusions concerning the reasons of this phenomenon. saline dome, geodesic observations, liquid waste injection, surface subsidence, clay swelling


Горнотехническая безопасность

В.С. Зыков
Научные проблемы борьбы с газодинамическими проявлениями в угольных шахтах Кузбасса с. 59
V. Zykov
Scientific problems of dealing with gas-dynamic manifestations in coal mines of Kuzbass
The author formulates the problems to be immediately resolved in order to ensure the safe operation of Kuzbass coal mines with respect to the gas-dynamic manifestations. He proposes a number of research trends aimed at resolving thoseproblems. coal mines, mining safety, gas-bearing capacity, gas permeability, gas-dynamic occurrences, degassing, tectonic dislocation, methane drainage boreholes, powered support, energy saturation of unworked coal



Г.В. Калабин, А.В. Титова, А.В. Шаров
Модернизация медеплавильного производства комбината ЗАО «Карабашмедь» и динамика состояния природной среды в зоне его влияния с. 65
G. Kalabin, A. Titova, A. Sharov
Upgrading the close JSC «Karabashmed's» copper-smelting plant and the dynamics of the natural environment changes in the affected area
The authors describe the current state of the natural environment in the areas surrounding Karabash copper-smelting enterprise in the Urals, which is recognized as a facility producing very strong adverse impact. In consequence of the atmosphere pollution and industrial effluents the concentration of hazardous substances in soil and water bodies in the town of Karabash and the adjacent areas are considerably higher than the established maximum permissible concentrations. In 2001-2005, a large-scale environmental project was implemented aimed at retooling and modernization of the copper smelting production. The result was considerable reduction of pollutant emission. However, the problem of the natural environment pollution was not completely resolved. copper-smelting plant, atmosphere pollution, industrial effluents, concentration of hazardous substances, pollution of natural environment, sulphide ore dumps, sulfurous gas, environmental project


Наши юбиляры

80 лет Евгению Ивановичу Панфилову с. 71

75 лет Бахиту Молдагалиевичу Жаркимбаеву с. 71



Девятая Международная научно-техническая конференция «Современные технологии освоения минеральных ресурсов» с. 72

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