Минерально-сырьевой комплекс и национальная безопасность
Национальная безопасность в свете минерально-сырьевых проблем
с. 3
National security in the light of the problems of the mineral resources base
The author defines the term «national security», which is considered a backbone of the state. He stresses that the idea of economic security as a relatively independent kind of security is a part of the following conceptual structure: security – national security – economic security. The author describes the economic pre-conditions for deterioration of the security, strategic aspects, security criteria and parameters. He concludes that Russia's social and economic development, geopolitical situation, its current and expected future role in the international community are to a great extent determined by its mineral resources potential and the governmental strategy of its use.
national security, primary resources, gross product, financial crisis, international market, domestic demand, export, geological research
Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых
Исследование и разработка флотационно-гидрометаллургического метода извлечения золота из черносланцевого сырья
с. 11
Research and development of the flotation and hydrometallurgical method for extraction of gold from black-shale raw materials
The author has developed and introduced in practice a gravitation and flotation method for gold concentrate production. She proposes a technique for thiourea-based hydrometallurgical extraction of gold from black-shale ores, which ensures sufficiently high yield of metal and allows addressing the environmental challenges more rationally.
black-shale gold ore, gravitational concentrate, rougher flotation, reagent treating method
Ресурсосберегающие технологии переработки гидроминерального сырья
с. 14
Resource-saving techniques of hydromineral resources processing
The authors have tested and proposed a number of technological plans for metallic mine and underspoil waters flow treatment. The introduction of these techniques at mining plants will on the one hand make possible using the natural mineral resources more efficiently, producing incremental products with higher economic characteristics, and on the other hand it will considerably reduce the environmental burden in the mining districts.
by-product waters produced by mining plants, copper-bearing effluents, incremental products, concentration of copper, waste-free production
Крепление кровли камер сейсмостойкими анкерами
с. 16
Roof enforcement using earthquake proof bolts
For the purpose of stope roof enforcement the author proposes using metal-rubber bolts, which can be installed immediately after drilling the bore-holes. These bolts can take full load immediately after installation. They do not lose their load-bearing ability when affected by either overburden pressure redistribution or blast waves.
board-and-pillar mining, stopes, support pillars, metal-rubber bolts, seismic resistance
Рациональное использование минерального сырья
Методика нормирования показателей извлечения руды различной нарушенности из присводовой части рудного тела
с. 18
A technique for rationing the indicators of extraction of differently disrupted ores from the crest position of an ore body
The authors consider the methodical essentials of finding the rational location of the mine roadway roof contour outlined along the upper geological basement of an ore body. A roadway roof contour is determined by the stability of the outcrops. Its optimal position corresponds to the specified levels of withdrawal quality and completeness.
ore losses and dilution, second working openings, geomechanical characteristics of rock massif, chamber roof outline, geological basement, computerized modeling
Моделирование горнопромышленных комплексов
Научные принципы моделирования основных этапов освоения георесурсов минерально-сырьевых центров
с. 22
Scientific principles of modeling the basic stages of development of geological resources of natural resource centers
The author considers the basic principles of modeling the multi-stage processes of formation of the natural resource centers in the Russian Far East based on the results of prediction and prospecting, exploration, appraisal and design work. The work types under consideration in their sequence with the modeling elements are the sine qua non condition for formation of the natural resource centers as the groundwork of new ore mining regions and mining productions.
mineral resources, mineral deposits, geological exploration, modeling of mining complexes, economic regions
Правовые вопросы недропользования
Проблемы саморегулирования деятельности, связанной с пользованием недрами
с. 29
Problems of self-regulation of operations dealing with subsurface resources management
The authors substantiate the necessity of taking into account the specifics of self-regulation in the sphere of subsurface resource management. They show that it is advisable to transfer only production support processes to the self-regulation domain. They speak in favour of drafting a federal law to govern the legal framework and basic principles of operation of self-regulating organizations in the sphere of subsurface resource management.
self-regulation, subsurface resource management, legislation, federal law
Оценка структурно-тектонической обстановки – основа газогидрогеодинамического районирования месторождения (на примере трубки Удачной)
с. 35
Assessment of the structural and tectonic framework as the basis of gas-hydrodynamic zoning of a deposit (by example of the Udachnaya pipe)
The authors look into the specifics of the structural and tectonic framework of Russia's largest diamond deposit – the Udachnaya pipe. The come to the conclusion that most of the ruptural deformations are related to the regional fractures, which also feature well-developed local jointing explained by the specifics of the kimberlite pipes formation and their subsequent evolution.
diamond deposits, kimberlites, tectonic faults, compression areas, brines influx, gas emission, geomechanical monitoring
Информационные технологии
Опыт создания и использования цифровых маркшейдерских планов на рудниках ОАО «Сильвинит»
с. 40
The experience of creating and using of digital surveying plans at «Silvinite» JSC
The authors present the results of their work on creating digital surveying plans at the mines of «Sylvinite» JSC. They describe the advantages of these digital plans, the experience of developing software tools for analysing the digital plan objects and explain the principles of their safe use.
digital surveying plans, mines surveying support, geoinformation systems, databases, software applications, paper-free graphical document circulation
Многоуровневые горно-геометрические модели угольных месторождений
с. 49
Multilevel mining and geometrical models of coal deposits
The authors propose to take account of the mining and geological information deficiency during the development of coal deposits by means of constructing multilevel mining and geometrical models and computing tau criterion of the extent of exploration.
coal deposits, geometrization, geological information, geological knowledge
Новое в обеспечении производства маркшейдерских работ в области нефтегазодобычи
с. 53
New developments in the support of mine surveying work in oil and gas production
The authors demonstrate the present-day opportunities for implementation of the standard requirements in the sphere of mine-surveying works. They provide the examples of resolving the problems faced by the surveying service.
subsurface resource management, mine-surveying support, monitoring, strata movement, surface subsidence, radar surveying technique, ground surface deformation monitoring
Последствия и основные пути экологизации недропользования в Уральском регионе
с. 60
After-effects and basic ways of greening the subsurface resource management in the Urals region
The estimation criterion of the environmental situation in the Urals mining region is the economic damage caused by the consequences of the influence of the mining complex on the natural environment. A conversion to the «best available geotechnologies» which make possible reducing the cost of a deposit exploration is one of the ways to make the subsurface resource management greener.
mining complex, mineral deposits, technological environmental impact, environmental activity, technogenyg emptiness, economic damage, ecology of subsurface resource management
Страницы истории
Античная полигонометрия как метод исследования
с. 64
Antic polygonometry as method of investigations
During his research the author has discovered an entire antique polygon measurement system which was inspired by the wide-scale road construction in the Roman Empire. It took six centuries to create this polygon measurement system which later served as the basis for creation of precise antique maps. For this reason the antique polygon measurement system can be considered not only as a geodetic base of the maps, but also as a method of scientific research of the medieval portulans.
Roman Empire, antic polygonometry, measurement system, ancient geographical maps, portulans, antique surveying instruments and measurement techniques
Книжная полка недропользователя
Об учебнике МГГУ «Геология», часть I «Основы геологии» (2-ое издание)
с. 69
8-я Международная научная школа молодых ученых и специалистов «Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых» с. 71
Всероссийская научная конференция с иностранным участием «Геомеханика в горном деле» с. 72