Минерально-сырьевой комплекс и национальная безопасность
Национальная безопасность в свете минерально-сырьевых проблем
с. 3
National security in the light of the problems of the mineral resources base
The author emphasizes the role of mineral and raw material resources is provision of the economic security. He notes the necessity for promoting the work of the country's geological service by means of restructuring the system of strategic management of the subsoil resources research. It is of utmost importance to increase the level of the subsoil resources research and establish the State Committee for Geology and Subsurface Resource Management. The author stresses the necessity for strategic long-term forecasting of the country's economy development and introduction of target-based planning on every level, from enterprise to the economy development strategy as a whole.
mineral resources potential, subsurface resource management, mineral reserves, geological exploration, prospecting, resources availability and consumption in the world, market reforms, level of innovations, economy development forecast
Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы
Буроугольные месторождения Еврейской автономной области - возможные нетрадиционные источники благородных металлов
с. 12
Concerning the necessity of Jewish Autonomous region brown coal deposits complex development as possible non-traditional sources of noble metals
The authors summarize extensive data and the results of the field research of the structure, composition and metal bearing capacity of the coal deposits in the southern part of the Far-Eastern Federal district. The researchers have found that coal beds are rich with various metals, especially precious ones which are frequently encountered in considerable quantities. They substantiate the expediency of comprehensive development of brown coal fields as possible unconventional sources of precious metals.
brown coal fields, coal, bearing strata, synchronous vulcanicity, gold, platinum
Рациональное использование запасов минерального сырья
Влияние потерь и разубоживания на показатели эксплуатации месторождения
с. 17
The influence of losses and impoverishment on the records of the field development
The authors describe the impoverishment phenomenon initiation mechanism and its influence on the records of the ore deposits development. By means of the modelling by optimum parameter values the researchers have found how the enterprise's profit changes depending on the amount of losses and impoverishment by the end product of the mining and smelting cycle. It has been found that the expenses are mostly influenced by the process of ore benefication or impoverishment compensation on the processing stage
impoverishment, development records, deposits, modelling, profit, losses, ore benefication, processing
Техника и технология недропользования
Технология размещения пород во внешних отвалах при разработке рудных крутопадающих месторождений
с. 21
The technique of rock refuse disposal in the outside dumps during the development of steeply dipping ore deposits
The author presents the analysis and the results of investigation of the rock refuse disposal in the outside dumps using the energy-based approach. He considers principal dump shapes and proposes some new ways of waste disposal. The research tool used is modelling.
waste disposal, outside dump, vehicular transport, load capacity, rock refuse disposal, modelling, energy characteristic, energy consumption
Опыт разработки опасного по геодинамическим явлениям пласта «Верхний» Баренцбургского месторождения на участках ограниченной кондиционной мощности
с. 29
The experience in development of a geodynamical hazardous upper seam of Barentsburg deposit in the its limited conditioned thickness sections
The authors cover the technique of mining the bump hazardous Upper seam of Barentsburg deposit using short faces by means of making exploratory pass ways. They set forth the geodynamical phenomena prediction methods, the list and the sequence of antibumping preventive measures.
coal deposit, underground mining, second working, roof control, breakdown, geodynamical phenomena, bump hazard, retaining and support pillars
Инженерно-геологическое и геомеханическое обеспечение размещения отвальных насыпей на намывных основаниях в регионе Курской магнитной аномалии
с. 33
Engineering, geological and geomechanical support of dump embankment locations on alluvial bases in the Kursk magnetic anomaly region
The author considers the issues of geotechnical investigation of weak alluvial bases – industrial masses of open cast hydraulic-mine dumps at Kursk magnetic anomaly. Evaluating the bearing capability of fine aggradational deposits the author justifies the possibility of locating on them the dump embankments of hard and soft overburden.
hydraulic-mine dump, tailings dump, mechanical properties, alluvial body, cone penetration testing, zoning, pore pressure
Вероятностная трактовка величины сцепления трещиноватых горных массивов
с. 37
Probability interpretation of the fissured rock massifs linkage value
The author proposes an analytical method for finding the fissured rock massifs linkage value. He proves that the structural weakening factor is of stochastic nature. The author comes to the conclusion that slip joint linkage is the essential value for most of the fissured rock massifs.
massif linkage, structural block linkage, slip joint linkage, probability of structural block failure, surface of failure (slipping), joint system pitch angles
Информационные технологии
Моделирование пространственных переменных с помощью нейронных сетей (двумерный случай)
с. 40
Modeling the spatial variables using the neural nets (two-dimensional case)
The author provides the results of using artificial neural networks (neural nets) for spatial variable (SV) modeling in the two-dimensional case. Using the case study of a two-dimensional mathematical model of the spatial variable for a non-stationary geochemical field of an ore deposit on one of the levels of a copper-molybdenum mine, he demonstrates the possibility and the effectiveness of using the artificial neural networks for this purpose.
mathematical model, artificial neural network, spatial variable, two-dimensional case, modeling, sampling set, outstanding samples
Обогащение полезных ископаемых
Оптимизация формул скорости свободного падения частиц при гравитационном обогащении руд
с. 52
Optimization of particles free sedimentation rate formulae during gravity preparation of ores
The article contains the analysis and the results of optimization of the ball-shaped particles free sedimentation rate formulae by 18 different authors. These formulae can be used for various theoretical calculations in the research of classification, concentration, skimping and other gravitational separation processes. They can also be used for researching the influence of the shape factor and the variation of the shape factor of different minerals upon the free sedimentation rate.
minerals, calculation formulae, Rayleigh curve, free sedimentation rate, gravity preparation technique
Новая трактовка задачи Вейсбаха
с. 55
A new interpretation of Weisbach problem
The author provides the latest results of his theoretical research of the accuracy of coordinates and direction transmission from the surface to the mine using the Weisbach method. He proves that the rational form of the adjacency triangle corresponds to the condition of equality of the sides a and b.
adjacency triangle, measurement errors, square error, angular difference
О проблемах метрологической поверки электронных тахеометров при тригонометрическом нивелировании
с. 61
On the problems of metrological calibration of electronic tachymeter's during trigonometrically leveling
The author provides the results of zero point adjustment with the electronic tachymeter Trimble-3601 using the levelling collimator AUPN-05, the automatic collimator UK-1 and in the field conditions. The results obtained are indicative of the necessity to ensure more precise dimensioning of optical and mechanical axes for both the tachymeter and the sighting targets.
electronic tachymeter, leveling, measurement errors, directional ray, chain dimension, deviation values
Горнотехническая безопасность
Роль органических микрокомпонентов в процессе самовозгорания углей
с. 65
The role of organic micro components in the process оf self-ignition
The author dwells on the issue of the influence of micro components on self-ignition of coal. The author cites the results of the research of the petrographic composition in prone to ignition coal beds in the Moscow area coal basin. Coals in which the cells of the microcomponents cellular structure is filled with fine pyrite have higher oxidationactivity.
coal, self-ignition, microcomponents, petrographic composition, fusinite, vitrinite, semivitrinite, leptynite, metamorphism, oxidation, pyrite
Использование отработанного карьерного пространства и отвалов для создания современных комплексов учебно-рекреационной рекультивации
с. 68
The use of coffins and dumps for creation of the modern training and recreational reclamation complexes
The authors consider the reclamation technique which can be used for the lands disturbed as a result of mining operations. The proposed technique relies upon the training and recreational reclamation principles. This technique allows creating R&D complexes which would cover various research trends in the modern education process.
mining engineering, open-cut mine, revegetation, R&D complexes
с. 72