Энергетические сырьевые ресурсы
Предварительная оценка мировых запасов аквальных залежей газогидратов
с. 3
Preliminary Estimate of the World Reserves of Aquatic Gas-Hydrate Accumulations
The authors describe the present state of and predict the world consumption of the energy resources for the period until year 2020. The limited and non-renewable nature of the traditional resources of natural (combustible) gas and the growing demand for this energy carrier in the 21st century force the mankind to pay attention to its significant reserves stored in non-traditional sources, first of all in the natural gas hydrates. According to the present-day geological knowledge, huge amounts of hydrocarbon gas are stored as solid gas-hydrate deposits in sea and oceanic bottom sediments. E.g. potential reserves of methane in gas-hydrates are estimated as 2×1016m³. By now over 220 gas-hydrate deposits have been discovered on the bottoms of seas, oceans and large lakes. It has been found that about 98% of those deposits are concentrated on the shelf and continental slope of the World ocean (off the coasts of North, Central and South Americas, North Asia, Norway, Japan and Africa, as well as in Caspian and Black seas) at depths over 200-700 m, and only 2% are located in polar regions of continents.
gas hydrates, world reserves, deep-sea deposits, shelf sediments, terrestrial deposits, Arctic deposits, methane resources
Рациональное использование запасов минерального сырья
Повышение качества эксплуатации недр как направление укрепления минерально-сырьевой базы горного производства
с. 8
Improving the quality of subsoil resources exploitation as a way to reinforce the mineral and raw material base of the mining practice
The authors consider the issues of improving the efficiency of traditional underground ore mining techniques. They conclude that key determinants of the production profitability are quality factors, namely losses and dilution. It has been found that quality factors of subsoil resources usage, work productivity and an enterprise's productive capacity are parts of equivalent correlations which provide the basis for managing the fullness of the subsoil resources exploitation. The authors demonstrate that the dilution value reduction in the course of traditional mining techniques upgrade is an important way of improving the mining practice efficiency.
mining technique, metallic ores, dilution, losses, production capacity, equivalent correlations, subsoil resources exploitation, effectiveness of production
Повторная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых как аспект повышения эффективности горного производства
с. 13
The rework of mineral deposits as an aspect of improving the efficiency of the mining practice
The author provides historical and bibliographical data on combined exploration of mineral deposits. Using the example of sequential underground and open-pit mining at Zlatoust-Belov mine (Zhezkazgan deposit, Kazakhstan) she proves the feasibility and the effectiveness of reworking the deposits.
deposits, mineral resources, rework, ways of improving the efficiency of the mining practice
Прогнозная оценка потерь угля вблизи тектонических нарушений
с. 17
Predictive estimate of coal losses in vicinity of tectonic abnormalities
The determined correlation dependence between the losses in vicinity of tectonic abnormalities and the coal beds quality designation in Kuznetsk Basin allows estimating the commercial coal reserves on different stages of the deposits development.
commercial reserves, coal losses, coal beds, tectonic abnormalities
Экономика недропользования
Об условности и неоднозначности отнесения затрат на железорудное горно-обогатительное производство
с. 19
On conditional and ambiguous nature of cost allocation for iron-ore mining and processing
The authors point out the ambiguous nature of cost allocation to the production, which requires performing additional economic analysis, as shown by the authors in the case studies of the mining production at iron-ore industry. The authors conclude that the ambiguousness in cost allocation can lead either to insignificant and non-essential deviations in determination of production cost or to serious miscalculations causing strategic mistakes during exploration of mineral deposits. In view of this, it is believed that solution of the problem specified in the article will contribute to preparation of the new and adjustment of the existing standards, rules and guidelines in the area of subsoil resources usage and natural environment protection with consideration of the world's best practice.
cost of production, economic analysis, iron-ore mines, overburden, associated mineral resources, coefficient of sales, production prime cost
Правовые вопросы недропользования
Правовой режим разведки и эксплуатации месторождений полезных ископаемых за рубежом
с. 23
Legal order of prospecting ands exploitation of mineral deposits abroad
The article is dedicated to legal regulation of the relations arising from granting of the right to use subsoil resources, regulation of the rights and obligations of the parties of business activity is the course of subsoil resources usage, as well as termination of such right, including conservation and closing down of mining enterprises by way of example of certain foreign countries.
legal order of subsoil resources usage, regulatory approval licensing system, business entity, mining enterprise, legislation, right to use subsoil resources
Техника и технология недропользования
Новые грохоты для подготовки минерального сырья
с. 26
New screens for minerals processing
Выбор рационального способа вскрытия месторождений рудного золота в сложных топографических условиях
с. 34
Choosing the rational way of gold ore deposits opening in intricate topographical conditions
The authors provide the analysis of the ways of opening gold ore deposits located on hillsides and undulating grounds. They dwell on the advantages and drawbacks of each of the ways under analysis and propose a relevant solution to the problems of opening the hillside deposits.
gold ore deposits, hillside mine, opening method, semi trench, motor transport
Прогнозирование скорости сейсмических колебаний при проектировании и производстве массовых взрывов в карьерах
с. 40
Predicting the seismic transients velocity during the design and firing of coyote blasts in open-pit mines
The authors provide the fundamentals of the method used for predicting the seismic transients' velocity during blasts firing at a number of open-pit mines producing non-ferrous metals. They also provide a case study of calculation of seismic transients' predicted velocity when blasting one or more blocks.
open-pit mine, blast, prediction, seismic transients speed
Информационные технологии
Геоиндикаторы оценки и прогноза оруденения при разработке месторождений полезных ископаемых
с. 49
Geological indicators of assessment and prediction of mineralization during mineral deposits exploration
The author considers the feasibility of local prediction of ore bodies based on the geoindicational modelling. As the basic criteria he suggests using the technological grade geoindicators for kimberlite ores and dwells on the mineralogical criteria of gold mineralization of pyrite.
ore body, geoindicator, local prediction, technological grade, structural modifications, pyrite, kimberlite
Страницы истории
Становление и развитие геологии как науки о Земле и её минеральных кладовых
с. 56
Emergence and development of geology as an Earth science studying its mineral wealth
The author demonstrates the evolution of knowledge, geological hypotheses, concepts and theoretical models related to the Earth development history, the origin and geological structure of mineral deposits – from high antiquity to the modern scientific ideas. He provides the chronological sequence of the theories and discoveries by the outstanding scientists in the field of constitution of earth, crustal structure and the origins of metallic and non-metallic deposits.
stone searching and dressing, constitution of earth, earth crust, geology, stratigraphy, mineralogy, study of geological material, crystallography, study of geological material genesis, metalliferous deposits, ore formation, hydrothermal theory, deep boring, scientific-and-technological advance
Восточный след античной геодезии
с. 65
The oriental footprint of the ancient geodesy
The author notes that the ancient culture, and geodesy as its part, had spread much farther eastwards that it was believed earlier. The ancient Greeks have inseminated the Indian culture, built ties with China and laid the groundwork for the future science development in the East. As to mapping and geodesy, the ancient influence led to creation of the maps of at least the same accuracy and realism as the best maps produced in the Roman Empire. If Byzantine Empire is considered to be the successor of the ancient geodesy in Europe, then India, though in a smaller amount but still reasonably, can be regarded as the successor of the ancient geodesy in the pre-Arabic East.
geodesy, ancient maps (portulans), polygon measurement system, the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, the Seleukide Empire, the Mauryan Empire, India, rigid geodesic framework, road construction, monastic map
Наши юбиляры
80 лет Юрию Семеновичу Малютину с. 69
Книжная полка недропользователя
Рецензия на учебники «Геология», часть III «Гидрогеология» и часть IV «Инженерная геология», изд-во МГГУ с. 70
Памяти Д.М. Губермана
с. 72