Главная Выпуски журнала 2012 №1(57) 2012 «Маркшейдерия и недропользование»

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Уважаемые коллеги! От себя лично и от всего коллектива научно-технического и производственного журнала «Маркшейдерия и недропользование» сердечно поздравляю Всех шахтеров с профессиональным праздником! Вы работаете в одной из самых сложных и стратегически важных отраслей экономики, вно... Далее

Новый подход к выбору механических характеристик приоткосного массива при оценке устойчивости уступов и бортов карьеров

Новый подход к выбору механических характеристик приоткосного массива при оценке устойчивости уступов и бортов карьеров

Опыт эксплуатации карьеров, разрабатывающих сложноструктурные урановые и золоторудные месторождения в скальных и полускальных породах, показал, что для них характерны некоторые особенности, которые необходимо учитывать при решении вопросов, связанных с формированием устойчивых уступов и бортов. К этим особенно... Далее

Создание геодинамического полигона «Сарыоба»

Создание геодинамического полигона «Сарыоба»

Академик А.Ж. Машанов является основоположником казахстанской научной школы геомехаников. Под руководством А.Ж. Машанова в свое время были выполнены широкомасштабные исследования в области механики массива горных пород. И сегодня его ученики – профессора кафедры «Маркшейдерское дело и геодезия», ведут за с... Далее

№1(57) 2012 «Маркшейдерия и недропользование»

01 Февраль 2012
Маркшейдерия и недропользование - журнал для специалистов горной промышленности

«Маркшейдерия и Недропользование»
№1 (57), январь-февраль 2012 г.

В номере:

  • Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых
  • Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы
  • Комплексное использование полезных ископаемых
  • Геомеханика
  • Информационные технологии
  • Правовые вопросы недропользования
  • Маркшейдерия
  • Экология
  • Страницы истории
  • Книжная полка недропользователя


Содержание №1 (57) январь-февраль 2012 г.
журнала «Маркшейдерия и Недропользование»


Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых

К.И. Никифоров
Анализ состояния уступов и бортов карьера «Удачный» с. 3
K. Nikiforov
The anbalysis of the current state of the benches and walls of «Udachny» open-cast mine
The author provides the analysis of the current state of the benches and walls of «Udachny» ultradeep open-cast mine, In order to improve the accuracy of the underground surveys, along with the current method using the GPS satellite positioning equipment it is advised to simultaneously observe the reference checkpoints using the traditional measurement devices. The underground surveys must be followed by the documenting of the mine rock position as of the moment of observation, which will allow to ascertain the reasons of the deformations being observed. open-cast mine, walls, monitoring, instrumental observation, deformations, reference checkpoints

А.П. Круковский
Изменение напряженно-деформированного состояния приконтурного массива в процессе крепления выработки анкерами с. 6
A. Krukovsky
The transition of the stressed-strain state of the periphery massif in the process of the roadway bolting
The author shows that observance of the operating procedures is one of the most important factors for the successful use of roof bolting. In order to investigate the influence of time and distance from the bolts to the mine face, the author provides the calculations for three process flow diagrams. The analysis of the obtained data allowed to make a conclusion about considerable influence of the lag between the bolting and the mine face upon the subsequent deformation of the anchors and peripheric solids. mine roadways, roof bolting, operating procedure, peripheric solids, face advance, entry way step


Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы

А.Е. Воробьев, Г.Ж. Молдабаева, Е.В. Чекушина
Основные пути формирования аквальных залежей газогидратов с. 8
A. Vorobyov, G. Moldabayeva, E. Chekushina
Basic ways of aquatic gas-hydrate accumulation
The authors characterize the conditions of aquatic gas-hydrate accumulation and describe the factors affecting the deposit size and the thickness. They have found out that the sources of the organic matter (which subsequently transforms into methane) for the formation of the gas-hydrates are rivers, fractures, mud volcanoes, gas flames, hydrothermal waters and other objects. A significant amount of marine (lake) methane is produced by microorganisms. An important role is played by the emission of hydrocarbon gases from the bottom sediments. gas-hydrates, hydration process, crystal structures, organic matter, hydrocarbon gases, gas-hydrate bodies morphology

Г.Ф. Склярова
Свинцово-цинковые месторождения скарнового типа в карбонатных комплексах Дальнего Востока с. 14
G. Sklyarova
Skarn lead-zinc deposits in carbon-bearing complexes in the Far East
The author describes the geologic production types of lead-zinc deposits in the Russian Far East and gives the estimate of their prospects. Primorsky Krai, ore mining district, polymetal deposits, skarn deposits, ore formations, commercial mineralization, prospects of lead production development


Комплексное использование полезных ископаемых

Т.И. Юшина, А.В. Кукин
Дробление вскрышных пород с целью производства щебня с. 17
T. Yushina, A. Kukin
Overburden crushing for the purpose of crushed stone production
The authors provide the results of the parameters optimization and describe the sustainable technology of manufacturing crushed stone using the overburden produced by Lebedinsky GOK's iron-ore mine. sustainable use of resources, crushed stone, overburden, technology parameters optimization



Т.Б. Рогова, С.В. Шаклеин
Оценка полноты изучения и прогноз степени дизъюнктивной нарушенности угольных пластов с. 20
T. Rogova, S. Shaklein
Evaluation of the completeness of exploration and forecasting the degree of disjunctive disruption of coal strata
The authors have found the dependence between the ratio of the actual disruption of coal stratum to that predicted by prospecting and the criteria values of the extent of exploration of its hypsometry. They demonstrate that the use of such a dependence allows evaluating the actually expected stratum disruption based only on the exploration data. coal deposits, coal strata, extent of exploration, disjunctive disruption, lambdacriterion of extent of exploration

Е.Н. Есина, Н.Н. Щедрина
Влияние зоны смягчения на развитие деформационных процессов в толще пород и на земной поверхности с. 23
E. Yesina, N. Schedrina
The influence of the softening zones on the development of deformation processes in the rock mass and on the ground surface
The authors analyse the feasibility of applying the mining method using the softening zones by the example of mining a deep-laid potash seam located under the bodies of water. They consider the influence of the softening zone on the development of the deformation processes taking place both in the rock mass and on the ground surface. ground surface deformation, advancing value, softening zone, water-conducting fissures

С.А. Пуневский, В.В. Ческидов, И.В. Егорова, В.А. Астапова
Совершенствование технических средств и методов оценки состояния намывных техногенных массивов с. 30
S. Punevsky, V. Cheskidov, I. Egorova, V. Astapova
Improvement of technical means and man-induced alluviation massifs condition evaluation methods
The authors consider the preconditions, the lines of development and the ways of improvement of the geotechnical sampling network density and the technical means of hydrogeomechanical monitoring of the technogenic solid masses. They point out the shortcomings of the remote monitoring systems used at the tail dumps by the mining enterprises of the Kursk magnetic anomaly region and propose a number of corrective measures. technogenic solid mass, tail dump, sludge pond, dam, geotechnical investigations, sampling network density, comprehensive probing, remote monitoring, bearing capacity, hydrogeomechanical monitoring


Цветная вкладка

Л.А. Вайсберг, А.В. Акимова
Вибрационные технологии подготовки природного и вторичного минерального сырья с. 27


Информационные технологии

В.И. Голик, А.Ю. Прокопов, Ю.И. Разоренов
Моделирование показателей экономической эффективности комбинирования технологий разработки месторождений с. 35
V. Golik, A. Prokopov Yu., Razorenov
Modelling the economic efficiency indicators of combined use of field development technologies
The authors justify the expediency of the integration of traditional and innovative technologies. They provide a solution for the optimization problem of increasing the field development efficiency by means of rational combination of traditional and innovative technologies within an integrated economic and technological system. ore deposits, development efficiency, mining cost, overhead costs, commercial reserves, mining technology, mining efficiency, development process modelling, extractable value, economic efficiency


Правовые вопросы недропользования

М.В. Дудиков, Б.Д. Клюкин, Е.С. Мелехин
Правовой режим разведки и эксплуатации месторождений полезных ископаемых за рубежом с. 40
M. Dudikov, B. Klyukin, E. Melekhin
Legal regime of prospecting and exploitation of mineral deposits abroad
The authors give individual examples of the legal regulation of the relations arising from granting of the right to use subsoil resources, regulation of the rights and obligations of the parties of business activity is the course of subsoil resources usage, as well as termination of such right, including conservation and closing down of mining enterprises in certain foreign countries. They point out the specifics of the legal regulation of economic operations during subsoil usage and the legal regime of the mining enterprises. legal regime of subsoil resources usage, regulatory approval licensing system, business entity, mining allotment, mining enterprise, legislation, right to use subsoil resources



С.П. Смирнов, М.С. Кон, А.Ф. Кулакова
Маркшейдерский гирокомпас ПГО-1 с. 52
S. Smirnov, M. Kon, A. Kulakova
Survey gyrokompass PGO-1
Based on the past experience, the authors believe that PGO-1 gyrocompass is the most efficient tool for mine-surveying work in mine openings with high rock-pressure manifestation for cutting the underground theodolite traverse. This gyrocompass allows taking the azimuth when used in combination with any theodolite.  



Н.Н. Чаплыгин
Экологическая рента: содержание и методические особенности ее формирования с. 56
N. Chaplygin
Ecological rent: the contents and the methodological specifics of its formation
The authors elaborate on the concept of environmental rent. They demonstrate the specifics of its formation under the influence of the natural-technical system as a multidimensional object formed by the resources used in the system with regard to the integrity of their entire combination. environmental rent, natural-technical system, integrity, resource-based approach


Страницы истории

А.В. Гальянов
Естественные исторические предпосылки освоения человеком верхних слоев литосферы с. 62
A. Galianov
Natural historical preconditions of the humankind's exploration of the upper lithosphere
The author dwells on the history of the humankind's exploration of the surrounding world of stones, from the making of primitive stone implements to the present-day mining industry. Paleolithic age, Neolithic age, stone implements, slavery system, ancient period, the middle ages, manufacturing system, mineral raw materials, mining and minerals processing, technical revolution, mining practice, mining science

Ф.М. Аггеев
Некоторые аспекты геодезии в эпоху Возрождения с. 67
F. Aggeev
Certain aspects of geodesy during the Renaissance
The author proves that the development of geodesy during the Renaissance was closely related to the discovery of Africa, the New World and Australia. The maps of the world become popular that contain accurate representation of the Mediterranean and the Black seas along with approximate and inaccurate outlines of Africa and the New World. The maps are supplemented with the geographical grid; map projections and a unified scale are used. The appearance of the new mathematical symbolism in geodesy without doubt meant great progress. The Renaissance, geodesy, geographical grid, map projections scale, geographical maps, globes, mathematical symbolism


Книжная полка недропользователя

Е.А. Козловский
К выходу второго тома «Российской геологической энциклопедии» с. 71

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