Главная Выпуски журнала 2012 №2(58) 2012 «Маркшейдерия и недропользование»

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Новый подход к выбору механических характеристик приоткосного массива при оценке устойчивости уступов и бортов карьеров

Новый подход к выбору механических характеристик приоткосного массива при оценке устойчивости уступов и бортов карьеров

Опыт эксплуатации карьеров, разрабатывающих сложноструктурные урановые и золоторудные месторождения в скальных и полускальных породах, показал, что для них характерны некоторые особенности, которые необходимо учитывать при решении вопросов, связанных с формированием устойчивых уступов и бортов. К этим особенно... Далее

№2(58) 2012 «Маркшейдерия и недропользование»

02 Апрель 2012
Маркшейдерия и недропользование - журнал для специалистов горной промышленности

«Маркшейдерия и Недропользование»
№2 (58), март-апрель 2012 г.

В номере:

  • Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых
  • Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы
  • Рациональное использование запасов полезных ископаемых
  • Экономические и социальные проблемы недропользования
  • Правовые вопросы недропользования
  • Техника и технология недропользования
  • Геомеханика
  • Обогащение полезных ископаемых
  • Страницы истории
  • Информация


Содержание №2 (58) март-апрель 2012 г.
журнала «Маркшейдерия и Недропользование»


Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых

В.А. Карапетян, Е.Н. Грибина
Анализ системы платежей за загрязнение окружающей среды и направления ее совершенствования с. 3
V. Karapetian, E. Gribina
Analysis of the system of compensations for environment pollution and the ways to improve it
The authors analyze the types of compensations for the environment pollution paid by the enterprises of the mineral and raw-material complex. They suggest measures for improving the system of environmental payments in the course of subsoil resources usage. environment pollution, standard payments for emissions, system of compensations, payments level, pollutants emission quotas

Ж.А. Адилханова, А.Б. Кужаков
Современные методы оперативного управления рудопотоком во внутрикарьерном пространстве с. 5
Zh. Adilkhanova, A. Kuzhakov
Advanced methods of ore flow operating management in the in-pit space
The authors have developed a software-methodical complex for simulation modelling of cyclical-and-continuous method, which allows resolving the problems of open-cut transport development. During the modelling, a number of factors were taken into consideration, including mine engineering, technological and technical ones, as well as the cost parameters participating in the forming of economic indicators of the open-cut transport complex. open-cut mining, open-cut transport, cyclical-and-continuous method, conveyor complexes, reloading stations


Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы

Г.Ф. Склярова
Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы природных адсорбентов Дальнего Востока с. 7
G. Sklyarova
Mineral and raw-material resources of natural adsorbents in the Russian Far East
The author of the article reviews the adsorbent properties of specific types of non-metallic resources (zeolites, diatomites and tripoliths, bentonites, pearlites) found in the Far-Eastern deposits and their usability for the ecological purposes. adsorbents, ecology, deposits, natural minerals and rocks


Рациональное использование запасов полезных ископаемых

С.С. Мининг
Технико-экономическое обоснование проектных нормативов потерь при открытой разработке месторождений твердых полезных ископаемых с. 10
S. Meening
Feasibility evaluation of design standards of losses during opencast mining of solid minerals
The author considers the problems of justifying the design standards of the solid minerals deposit losses during the extraction. He points out the necessity of introducing a new concept of «extraction strata», which would mean a part of the deposit commercial reserves within the designed development area intended for determination of the design standards of losses and ore dilution during the extraction. ore reserves usage indicators, design standards of solid minerals deposit losses during the extraction, loss factor, admixture factor, ore dilution factor, extraction unit

С.А. Вохмин, Ю.П. Требуш, Г.С. Курчин, Е.С. Майоров, Е.В. Зайцева
Особенности нормирования показателей извлечения из недр при отработке алмазных руд подземным способом с. 14
S. Vokhmin, Yu. Trebush, G. Kurchin, E. Maiorov, E. Zaitseva
The specifics of mineral resources extraction measurements standardization during underground mining of diamond ores
The authors consider the issues of standardization and planning of diamond ores losses and dilution during the underground mining using the slicing method with backfilling and mechanical breaking. The works were carried out at «Internatsionalniy» mine owned by ALROSA JSC kimberlites, underground mining, losses, dilution, mining methods, backfill material, geological basement

В.В. Балашенко
Оценка техногенных минеральных образований с. 18
V. Balashenko
Evolution of production-induced mineral formations
The authors propose the basic provisions and conditions that must be taken into consideration during the evaluation and choice of production-induced mineral formations use variants. production-induced mineral formations, impact source, evaluation, use, risks


Экономические и социальные проблемы недропользования

Е.В. Комлева
Геоэкологические и политические аспекты хранения и захоронения ядерных материалов с. 21
E. Komleva
Geoecological and political aspects of nuclear materials storage and disposal
This paper presents further consideration of the following interrelation in the energy production sphere: oil and gas business and international projects on the long-term storage of nuclear materials. There are discussed some Russian versions of construction of nuclear depositories as well as corresponding geological assessments. In particular, for the North-West Russia nuclear energy, hydrocarbons, nuclear waste, international depositories, nickel, the SAMPO image.

В.А. Ершов
Отдельные региональные особенности развития золотодобычи с. 31
V. Ershov
Certain regional specifics of gold-mining development
The author briefly analyzes the idea suggested by North-Eastern integrated R&D institute (Magadan) regarding the periodization of gold-mining by age phases of the gold-mining industry of the region. He dwells on a number of issues of step-by-step gold industry performance development in Magadan region and Bodaibo district of Irkutsk region. gold-mining, production performance, gold industry age, placer deposits, North-East of Russia, Magadan region, Lena gold-mining district, Bodaibo district


Цветная вкладка

Л.А. Вайсберг, А.В. Акимова, Н.В. Михайлова
Инновационные технологии использования вторичных минеральных ресурсов с. 26


Правовые вопросы недропользования

Е.С. Мелехин, М.В. Дудиков
Децентрализация полномочий федерального центра как основа эффективного недропользования на региональном уровне с. 35
E. Melekhin, M. Dudikov
Decentralization of the federal powers as the framework of efficient subsoil management at the regional level
The authors consider the issues of decentralization of the federal powers in the area of subsoil management and their redistribution in favor of the regions. Resolution of those issues will ensure stabilization of the development Russian Federation member territories based on the sustainable use of the mineral and raw material base of the regions. The law «On Subsoil Resources», federal authorities, regions, economic security, subsoil management, subsoil plots, mineral resources exploration and production

В.В. Грицков
К вопросу об уточнении границ горных отводов с. 39
V. Gritskov
On ascertaining the boundaries of mining allotments
The author analyzes the flaws in the currently used procedure of ascertaining the boundaries of mining allotments and puts forward the suggestions on improving that procedure. The law «On Subsoil Resources», mining allotment documents, mining allotment boundaries, geographic coordinates, license areas


Техника и технология недропользования

А.Ю. Чебан, И.Ю. Рассказов, В.С. Литвинцев
Анализ парка горных машин горнодобывающих предприятий Амурской области с. 41
A. Cheban, I. Raskazov, V. Litvintsev
Analysis of the Amur region mining enterprises machinery park
The authors provide the analysis of the current state and operation of the mining machinery used for the solid mineral deposits exploitation, as well as the transportation vehicles and equipment used for sand washing at the alluvial deposits in Amur region. They point out the basic problems arising during the use of the domestically produced mining equipment. mining machinery, dozers, shovel excavators, loaders, dump trucks, washing devices, dredging machines



А.А. Панжин
Решение проблемы выбора опорных реперов при исследовании процесса сдвижения на объектах недропользования с. 51
A. Panzhin
The solution of the problem of reference checkpoints selection during the research of the displacement process at subsoil management objects
The author provides a solution to the problem of selecting the reference checkpoints, which can be considered relatively free of the influence of the natural and production-induced deformation processes. He considers the construction of the observation stations with the spatial referencing using the IGS global network. He also provides the examples of practical implementation of the high-accuracy positioning with the field reference stations tied to the IGS global network. geological material displacement, geodynamics test site, observation station, reference checkpoint, geodetic tie

А.В. Жабко
Расчет устойчивости откосов с. 55
A. Zhabko
Slopes stability calculation
The author provides the conditions of equilibrium of the flat slopes displacement prism. He has established the differential equations governing the geometry of the potential sliding surfaces. Stability nomogram for flat homogeneous slopes and sliding surfaces are also provided. slope, equilibrium condition, stability, composite function extremum, differential equation, sliding surface, anisotropy, torsion angle

К.К. Тулебаев
Определение зоны нарушенных пород в целике методом сейсмопрозвучивания с. 60
K. Tulebaev
Locating the disturbed rock areas in a pillar using the seismic scanning method
The seismic scanning method described in the article is recommended for the express evaluation of interchamber pillars, especially during ore deposits mining in complicated mining and geological conditions. pillar-and-panel work, marginal reservoir area, support pillars, disruption, seismic scanning


Обогащение полезных ископаемых

В.Б. Кусков, Я.В. Кускова, К.Е. Ананенко
Извлечение мелких плотных частиц на концентрационных столах различных конструкций с. 63
V. Kuskov, Y. Kuskova, K. Ananenko
Recovery of small, dense particles on concentration tables of various construction
Comparative tests of shaking concentrating tables and new designs round rotation concentrating tables with artificial mixtures and gold ores. The using of round concentrating tables could increase extraction of fine, dense minerals. concentrating tables, round rotating concentration tables, fine, dense particles extraction, centrifugal force, technological test of tables, artificial mixtures, gold ore, increase recovery


Страницы истории

Ф.М. Аггеев
Путь признания теодолита (начальный этап) с. 67
F. Aggeev
The history of theodolite and its recognition (initial stage)
The author highlights the history of invention and technological refinement of theodolite in the period from the ancient Rome to the late 18-th century. theodolite, ancient period, angle measurement, polygonal network, Roman maps, trigonometric survey, plane-table alidade, sight rule, support stand, surveying plane table



Одиннадцатая международная конференция «Ресурсовоспроизводящие, малоотходные и природоохранные технологии освоения недр» с. 72

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