100 лет со дня рождения Николая Константиновича Байбакова
Великий государственник, выдающийся нефтяник и экономист
с. 4
A great statesman, an outstanding oil-well expert and economist
Минерально-сырьевые ресурсы
Минерально-ресурсный потенциал Дальневосточного региона России и его роль в системе международного сотрудничества в Северо-Восточной Азии
с. 13
Mineral and resource potential of the Russian Far Eastern region and its role in the system of international cooperation in the North-West Asia
The author has analyzed the current state of the mineral and resource base of the Far-Eastern region by each constituent entity of the Federation within the limits of the Far-Eastern federal district. She points out that Russia's far-eastern sector of mineral resources plays an important role in the structure of the North-Eastern Asia's economy in regard to the intensification of the international cooperation with the neighbour countries.
Проблемы минерально-сырьевого комплекса России
Государственное регулирование рационального недропользования
с. 19
Government regulation of the sustainable usage of subsoil resources
The authors define the term «sustainable usage of subsoil resources» and provide the basic requirements to the sustainable usage and conservation of subsoil resources. They propose a number of solutions to the problems accumulated in the area of sustainable usage of subsoil resources, including the reinforcement of government regulation of the resources use.
Методика подсчета запасов
Подсчет запасов сложнодислоцированных угольных месторождений
с. 24
Estimation of hard-to-reach coal deposit reserves
The authors propose a method for calculating the reserves of hard-to-reach coal deposits which can be used in circumstances where the deposits have low geometrization accuracy.
Техника и технология недропользования
Влияние гранулометрического состава на процесс кучного выщелачивания золота
с. 31
The impact of grain-size composition on the process of gold heap leaching
The authors propose a thermodynamic model for finding the optimal gold ore milling parameters. The optimal milling size is identified using the experimental value of the mineral surface tension using the technique proposed by the authors of this paper.
Особенности вещественного состава и эксплуатации рудно-россыпного месторождения ручей Болотистый (Хабаровский край)
с. 35
The specifics of material composition and development of ore-placer deposit «Stream Bolotisty» (Khabarovsk territory)
The authors describe the mineralogical and technological specifics of the gold placer deposit «Stream Bolotisty» in the northern part of Sikhote Alin mountain range. They have investigated the reasons of the metal loss in the course of gravitational preparation, the mineral composition of the mill tailings, the content and grain-size class distribution of gold. The authors propose a gateway concentrate refinement technology based on the upgraded magnetic separator 120T-PMM and reactant treatment.
Обогащение полезных ископаемых
Обоснование механизма взаимодействия частиц в процессе флокуляции магнетитового концентрата
с. 39
The explanation of the mechanism of particles interaction in the course of magnetite concentrate flocculation
Using the results of gravity, particle-size and sedimentation analyses the author explores the distribution of iron and detrimental impurities in magnetite concentrates. He demonstrates the possibility of increasing the mass iron content in the concentrates by 1,5-2,0% due to better separation of non-metallic fine-dispersed particles. The author also provides the theoretical background of magnetic classification using the unipolar magnetic systems.
Оценка устойчивости проектных контуров внутренних отвалов на разрезе «Богатырь» (Карагандинский угольный бассейн)
с. 42
Assessing the stability of internal dump design contours at «Bogatyr» opencast (Karaganda Coal Basin)
The authors assess the stability of internal dump design contours at «Bogatyr» opencast. They provide the calculations for all the profile lines for various slope angles and give recommendations on ensuring long-term stability of single horizon slopes and the internal dump as a whole.
Информационные технологии
Создание модели мониторинга устойчивости горных выработок по средним напряжениям и деформациям
с. 49
Building a model for mine working stability monitoring by average stress and deformation
In this article, the authors consider a model for mine working stability monitoring by average stress and deformations. The proposed approach is of utmost importance when selecting the ways of underground mines reclamation.
Некоторые вопросы маркшейдерского обеспечения разработки месторождений углеводородного сырья
с. 51
Some issues of surveying support of hydrocarbon deposits development
The authors describe the present-day state of surveying support of hydrocarbon deposits development. They point out the imperfections in the process of the specialists training in this area, faults in the normative documents and the training curricula.
Оценка искробезопасности электронных тахеометров «Sokkia»
с. 55
Spark safety estimation of «Sokkia» electronic tachymeters
The authors set forth the results of the research of possible applications of the state-of-the-art «Sokkia» tachymeters at coal mines. They have assessed the spark safety of the device's electric circuits. It has been found out that these tachymeters constitute no danger in reference to methane-air mixture inflammation and explosion.
Многомерная относительная оценка экологической опасности освоения недр
с. 59
Multidimensional relative environmental risk assessment of subsoil resources exploration
The author provides scientific rationale for the new methodology for quantitative estimate of environmental hazard caused by subsoil resources exploration. The distinguishing feature of this methodology is that it takes into account the system characteristics of the affected biogeocoenosis – the amount of its natural ecological capacity and the degree of disturbance caused by the cumulative production induced influence.
История горного дела
Исторические вехи развития горного искусства
с. 62
Historical milestones of the art of mining
The development of the mining industry is fundamental for the development of civilization, productive forces and the planet's intellectual aura. Mining industry provides the basis for the humankind survival, therefore forming the planet's raw materials base and it sustainable use is the job to be carried out by the whole planet, not any single nation.
Проблемы освоения недр в XXI веке глазами молодых с. 71