80 лет Казахскому Национальному Техническому Университету (КазНТУ) имени К.И.Сатпаева
История КазНТУ
The history of KazNTU
Горно-металлургический институт им. О.А. Байконурова сегодня
образование, производство, высшее техническое образование, институт.
Mining-metallurgy institute after O. A. Baikonurov today
The history of, formation the organization and development of mining and metallurgical institute of the Kazakh national technical university of a name of K.I.Satpayev is considered
education, production, the higher technical education, institute.
Кафедра маркшейдерского дела и геодезии на пороге 80-летия
маркшейдерское дело и геодезия, подготовка специалистов, инженер, материально-техническая база
Depatment of surveying and geodesy at the edge of turning 80
The history of the organization, formation and development of «Surveying and Geodesy» chair of the Kazakh national technical university of a name of K.I.Satpayev is considered
surveying and geodesy, training of specialists, engineer, material and technical basis.
Состояние и проблемы минерально-сырьевой базы Казахстана
полезные ископаемые, балансовые запасы, добыча, инвестиции, горно-металлургические комплексы, кадры для ГМК.
State and problems of mineral resources base of Kazakhstan
Modern state of mineral resources base of innovationaldevelopment of MMC of the Republic of Kazakhstan wasreviewed.
minerals, balance supplies, extraction, investments, mining-metallurgy complex, personnel for MMC.
Гармония недр А.Ж. Машанова
геомеханика, литосфера, недра, геометрия недр, геометризация месторождения, недропользование.
Harmony of subsurfaces of A.Z.Mashanov
Article shows results confirming conclusions made by A.Z.Mashanov made earlier about existing regularity of nature and harmony in subsoil usage.
geomechanics, lithosphere, subsoil, geometry of subsoil, geometrization of deposits, subsoil usage.
Проблемы и перспективы ГМК РК
горное дело, добыча, металлургия, инвестиции, подготовка кадров для ГМК.
Problems and perspectives of MMC RK
Problems and perspectives of mining-metallurgical complex of Republic of Kazakhstan are analyzed in the article.
mining, extraction, metallurgy, investments, preparation of specialists for MMC.
Состояние и перспективы развития «Корпорации Казахмыс»
горнорудные месторождения, внедрение новейших технологий, модернизация производства, маркшейдерско-геологическая служба, современные приборы.
State and perspectives of development of «Kazakhmys Corporation»
Data about modern state and perspectives of development of the biggest copper company of Kazakhstan and surveying supply of mining works in its facilities are given in the article.
mining deposits, implanting new technology, upgrading fabrication, surveying-geological service, modern devices.
Развитие идей академика А.Ж. Машанова в области геомеханики
скально-трещиноватые массивы, геомеханические процессы, напряженно-деформационное состояние массива, геомониторинг, маркшейдерско-геодезические наблюдения, инновационные патенты.
Development of ideas of academician A.Z. Mashanov in geomechanics
Future development of ideas of A.Z. Mashanov is shown in the article. Modern conception in theory and practice of mechanics is outlined. New results in learning solidity characteristics of rock mass are given.
fissured rock massifs, geomechanical processes, stress-strain state of massifs, geomonitoring, surveyor-geodetic observations, innovational patents.
Результаты испытаний анкеров, установленных на ампулы АМК ДК при циклических нагружениях
сталеминеральная анкерная крепь, минеральная композиция, стальные и комбинированные анкеры,
канатные анкеры, двухкамерная ампула, циклические нагружения.
Геоинформационная модель районирования в задачах мониторинга состояния природных ресурсов
дистанционное зондирование, геоинформационное моделирование, космический снимок.
Geoinformational model of zoning in problems of monitoring state of natural resource
Methods of processing remote zoning data and learningthem are given in the article.
remote zoning, geoinformational modeling, space shot.
Устойчивость карьерных откосов с учётом временного фактора
карьер, откосы, устойчивость бортов, фактор времени, паспорт прочности горных пород.
Stability of quarry slopes considering time factor
In this article it is proven that performing an assessment of stability of career slopes requires consideration of time spent on standing of a board in limit position, i.e. time factor.
quarry, slopes, stability of boards, time factor, durability documentation of rocks.
Применение спутниковой геодезии в горном деле
геомеханика, деформация, наблюдения, напряжение, месторождения
Usage of satellite surveying in mining
This article focuses on the integrated use of GPS – observations and mathematical modeling. The results of instrumental observations with using the state of the complex GPS pit Zhezkazgan's field and simulation results sustainability pit considering seismic explosive action.
geomechanics, deformation, supervision, tension, fields.
Опыт становления картографо-геодезического образования в республике Казахстан
КазНТУ, образование, геодезия и картография, учебный процесс, кафедра, маркшейдерское дело и геодезия
Experience of formation of cartographic-geodetic education in the republic of Kazakhstan
The analysis of formation stages of cartographic-geodetic education in the Republic of Kazakhstan during 1992-2013 on a basis of the Kazakh National Technical University after K.I.Satpaeyv is given. The analysis is based on the statistical data about functions and types of functions of state and business structures in which graduates of Surveying and geodesy departments work, consi-dering features of this segment of the market in Kazakhstan and universal tendencies of the development of secondary education and geospatial technologies.
KazNTU, education, geodesy and cartography, educational process, department, surveyor business ageodesynd.
Обоснование критериев оптимизации рекультивационных работ на открытых разработках
карьер, рекультивация, землеемкость, коэффициент рекультивации, отвал.
Justification of criteria of optimization of rekultivatsionny works on open-cast minings
The article presents the violation of land during the development of mineral deposits and justified criteria of optimization of remediation works on opencast mining.
open pit, recultivation, zemleemkost, recultivation coefficient, dump.
Современное оборудование для обогащения минерального сырья
Вопросы преобразования координат при решении маркшейдерско-геодезических задач с использованием GPS
GPS технология, системы координат, параметры пересчета координат.
Questions of transformation of co-ordinates at decision of surveyor-geodesic tasks with the use of GPS
In the article possibilities are considered for the use of GPS of technology in mining industry. The circle of tasks, decided with the use of global satellite navigationals is certain. Mathematical formulas, establishing a connection and allowing to execute passing from the geocentric co-ordinates of general earthly ellipsoid to the rectangular pro-stranstvennym co-ordinates of the accepted referenc-ellipsoid, are presented. The chart of count of co-ordinates is presented from Wgs-84 in the local system in the program Credo_Transkor.
GPS technology, systems of coordinates, parameters of count of coordinates.
Создание трехмерных моделей объектов
трехмерная модель, матрица высот, цифровые фотоснимки, электронные карты, геоинформационные системы.
Creation of three dimensional models of objects
The article describes how to create three-dimensional models of objects in various areas, the introduction of modern threedimensional Geo informational Systems.
three-dimensional model, DEM, digital photographs, digital maps, geo informational systems.
Современные методы геодезических наблюдений за деформациями в зоне строительства метрополитена
метрополитен, деформация сооружений, геодезические приборы, мониторинговые наблюдения.
Modern methods of strain in the subway construction area surveying
The article considers the use of modern equipment to improve the accuracy of geodetic measurements when assessing the technical state of capital engineering structures.
metro, deformation of structures, surveying instruments, monitoring surveillance.