Главная Выпуски журнала 2001 №1 (01) 2001 «Маркшейдерия и недропользование»

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Уважаемые коллеги! От себя лично и от всего коллектива научно-технического и производственного журнала «Маркшейдерия и недропользование» сердечно поздравляю Всех шахтеров с профессиональным праздником! Вы работаете в одной из самых сложных и стратегически важных отраслей экономики, вно... Далее

Новый подход к выбору механических характеристик приоткосного массива при оценке устойчивости уступов и бортов карьеров

Новый подход к выбору механических характеристик приоткосного массива при оценке устойчивости уступов и бортов карьеров

Опыт эксплуатации карьеров, разрабатывающих сложноструктурные урановые и золоторудные месторождения в скальных и полускальных породах, показал, что для них характерны некоторые особенности, которые необходимо учитывать при решении вопросов, связанных с формированием устойчивых уступов и бортов. К этим особенно... Далее

Создание геодинамического полигона «Сарыоба»

Создание геодинамического полигона «Сарыоба»

Академик А.Ж. Машанов является основоположником казахстанской научной школы геомехаников. Под руководством А.Ж. Машанова в свое время были выполнены широкомасштабные исследования в области механики массива горных пород. И сегодня его ученики – профессора кафедры «Маркшейдерское дело и геодезия», ведут за с... Далее

№1 (01) 2001 «Маркшейдерия и недропользование»

Маркшейдерия и недропользование № 1- журнал для специалистов горной промышленности

«Маркшейдерия и Недропользование»
№1 (01), июль-сентябрь 2001 г.

В номере:

  • Прошлое и настоящее отечественной маркшейдерии
  • Проблемы развития минерально-сырьевого комплекса России
  • Основные направления совершенствования надзора за охраной недр
  • Новый налог при недропользовании
  • Новое в науке, технике и методах исследований


Содержание №1 (01) июль-сентябрь 2001 г.
журнала «Маркшейдерия и Недропользование»


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Маркшейдерия в России

К.Н. Трубецкой, М.А. Иофис
Состояние и проблемы отечественной маркшейдерии с. 7
K.N. Tmbetskoi, M.A. Iofis
The state of the art and problems of Russian mine surveying
Mine surveying is one of most complex fields of mining. It is based on classic regularities of mathematics, physics, astronomy, and other sciences. In the maze of entangled underground shafts miners are safely guided by mine plans. Mine surveying took its origin from the beginning of useful minerals extraction. Drawings were preserved that show the ways of useful minerals extraction, equipment and tools used a long time ago. At present the role of mine surveying service in the earth interior use has increased considerably. This is caused by a number of factors including the development of market and new deposits development in more complicated geological and climatic conditions. As a result of the closing of mining ministries and departments, the control of the use of earth interior is shifting to provinces where mine surveying service perform this work. It is the mine surveyor who follows the movement of resources in the works, calculates production and loss of useful minerals, makes relevant reports and sends them to state bodies

В.Н. Попов, Б.В. Несмеянов, Х. Бадамсурэн
Состояние вопросов обеспечения устойчивости карьерных откосов скальных пород с. 10
V.N. Popov, B.V. Nesmeianov, Kh. Badamsuren
The State of the problem of securing stability of rock quarry slopes
In the paper, information is given of the main stages of development and the present state of the problem of achieving stability of ore rock quarry sides in Russia.


Минерально-сырьевая база России

А.А. Дерягин, В.М. Котова, А.Л. Никольский
Оценка перспектив вовлечения в эксплуатацию техногенных месторождений с. 15
A.A. Deriagin, V.M. Kotova, A.L. Nikolsky
The assessment of prospects of technogenic deposits development
On the basis of the analysis of the reserves and consumption structure of world mineral resources the aggravation is shown of the problem of raw materials in the world and the strategy of its resolution is substantiated on the basis of deep combined use of primary mineral resources and utilization of secondary resources. This resolution predetermines practical realization of the ideas of mining and smelting industries with insufficient waste which spare the environment. The causes and factors are revealed that restrain the use of technology resources in processing; examples are given of utilization of waste in Russia. Classification is proposed of mining and smelting waste; it is proposed that technogenic mineral resources should be developed in the frame of defined and international programs and that meetings related to this problem should be held regularly.

А.Н. Азарнов
О необходимости возобновления поисково-разведочных работ на нефть и газ в пределах Курейско-Бакланихинского мегавала (Красноярский край) с. 19
A.N. Azarnov
The necessity of resuming oil and gas exploration in Kureisko-Baklanikhinskiy megaarch (Krasnoyarskiy Kray)
The problem of preparation of hydrocarbon reserves necessary for compensating for and supporting hydrocarbon production, passing to later stages of development in main oil and gas provinces predetermines the necessity of expansion of geological exploration in the areas with good prospects for oil, condensate, and natural and associated gas. Energy crisis and its social and economic consequences in the eastern areas of Russia stressed the problem of constructing proper production base in these areas on the basis of discovering hydrocarbon fields of local significance.

Ю.С. Малютин
Техногенные минерально-сырьевые ресурсы цветной металлургии России и перспективы их использования с. 21
Yu.S. Malyutin
Technogenic mineral resources of nonferrous metallurgy of Russia and prospects of their development
It is substantiated that putting technogenic raw material into processing is of current interest. The analysis is given of the conditions of accumulated resources in the refuse heap of ores, sludge traps and slam basins of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. The author points out that at present the use of the material is limited and gives actual indicators of its processing in sub-branches of non-ferrous metallurgy. The method is proposed of assessment the economic effect of putting technogenic resources in processing.



А.А. Кашкаров, В.В. Мельник, С.В. Усанов
Анализ условий сопоставимости масштабов природных и техногенных геодинамических явлений и методов их изучения с. 25
A.А. Kashkarov, V.V. Melnik , S.V. Usanov
The analysis of conditions of scales comparability of natural and technogenic geodynamic phenomena and research technique
The parameters of structure-and-matter levels of matter organization are estimated by mathematical analysis of continuous research data on rock massif physical properties. From this viewpoint the estimation is given of correlation possibilities between the natural and technogenic geodynamic phenomena scales and the scales of applied techniques. The result of the research enables us to make a well- grounded choice of methods most efficient from economy and information points of view for solving geological and mine engineering problems.

Ю.В. Посыльный
Методика трансформирования кривых оседания земной поверхности в единичные и типовые кривые с. 28
Yu.V. Posylny
The method of transforming the curves of earth surface subsidence into single and typical curves
Using the new geometry element of displacement trough in mining practice allows calculating the parameters of displacement process with a considerably greater accuracy than with the use of the generally accepted technique

А.Н. Медянцев, И.Ю. Иванов
Расчеты сдвижений и деформаций земной поверхности в заданных точках мульды сдвижения полярным способом с. 32
A.N. Mediantsev, I.Yu. Ivanov
Calculations of displacements and deformations of the earth surface in the given points of the displacement trough with the use of polar technique
The analysis of calculations of characteristic parameters of displacements and surface deformations for conditions of mining at great depth and the method of calculations recommended by the Rules of Building Protection have a number of drawbacks. The polar technique is proposed in which the drawbacks are eliminated. The areas of its application are shown and the efficiency is noted in the conditions of flat dip.


Охрана недр и безопасность

В.В. Грицков
О системе приоритетов в области охраны недр с. 35
V.V. Gritskov
The System of Priorities in Earth Interior Protection
In the years of reforms, the service of interior protection of Gosgortechnadzor of Russia gained a considerable experience of surveillance in new conditions. To further improve the surveillance of interior protection requires comprehension of this experience and discovering from it most promising lines of work. The priorities in the earth interior protection are: forming state strategy; forming favorable climate of opinion; developing concept of improvement of state mine surveillance activities and raising its status; formation of economic mechanisms of rational and combined use of mineral resources; development of norms and raising their status by giving them a rank of legislative; formation of mechanisms of self-regulation of mining relations; formation of a new level of geological and mine surveying support of mining and raising status of geological and mine-surveying services of mining enterprises.

А.М. Ефимов, М.Д. Молев, В.А. Солмин
Мониторинг гидрогеологических процессов в углеродном массиве ликвидируемых шахт с. 37
A.M. Efimov, M.D. Molev, V.A. Solmin
Monitoring of hydrogeological processes in coal rock massifs of abandoned mines
The state of the art of the underground hydrosphere studies of abandoned mines is discussed. The way is described of geological and geophysical monitoring of flooding process in coal massif in the Russian area of Donbass. The results of the monitoring allow us to estimate time and space parameters of the flooding to predict the dynamics of the ground hydrosphere and to carry out substantiated planning of the steps on preventing unfavorable effects of mine flooding.


Законодательство в недропользовании

Курский A.H.
О новом налоге на добычу твердых полезных ископаемых с. 39
A.N. Kursky
New tax on production of useful minerals
This paper is devoted to the adoption by the State Duma of the new 26th Chapter of Taxation Code of the Russian Federation "On the tax on useful minerals production". The most significant changes in the Russian system of earth interior use are analyzed that are associated with the cancellation of interior use royalty and allocations for mineral resources and with introducing new useful minerals production tax from January 1,2002. It is noted that the taxation reform will lead to a considerable reduction of the tax burden. The role of the Expert Councilx for Metallurgy and Ore Mining Industry of State Duma of RF is shown. At the same time some drawbacks of the new taxation act are indicated which are as follows: profitability of deposits is not taken into account and the same tax rate is established for deposits which have considerably differing geological and economy features. The author believes that such approach may result in rapacious exploitation of most profitable areas and stopping of production in less profitable areas and this will cause damage and destruction of great amount of minerals in the earth interior.

P.К. Гусев, M.B. Дудиков
Правовые проблемы охраны окружающей природной среды и экологической безопасности при недропользовании с. 43
R.K. Gusev, М.V. Dudikov
Legal aspects of environmental protection and ecological safety in the earth interior use
In this paper the data of research of many years are given on the improvement of ecology and reclamation of land in the Syr Darva River basin. From the obtained results, reserves saving techniques and techniques of land improvement are proposed for irrigated farming areas.


Методы исследований и приборы

Л.Ф. Прищепов, И.А. Земскова, H.E. Мальцев
Атомно-абсорбционная спектрометрия с атомизацией в пламени. Возможности и области применения с. 49
L.F. Prishchepov, I.A. Zemskova, N.E. Maltsev
Atom absorption spectrometry with atomization in flame. Possibilities and areas of use
The principle area of usage and advantages of flame atom absorption spectrometer "Spectr-5-3" are discussed. Analysis features and conditions of determining chemical elements contents in sample are shown. Likely areas of application of the device are considered to be in the analysis of minerals and defining toxic elements in ecological monitoring. The device is semi-automatic and the available methods allow us to easily select optimal ways of preparing samples and measuring conditions.


Горные науки в Китае

Tao Хуа-сюе, Ли Пин
Метод раздельного расчета первого и второго порядков синхронного проектирования геодезических сетей для деформационного наблюдения с. 56
Tao Ghua Sue, Li Pin
The technique of separate calculations of the first and second stages of simultaneous design of geodetic networks for deformation observations
The technique is proposed which allows us to combine the first and second stages of geodetic network design on the basis of calculations of each of the stages. All variables are set in one model, thus allowing us to obtain optimal results. This technique opens new areas in the methods of simultaneous design of geodetic networks for deformation observations.

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